Linking R with the Open-Source 'SAGA-GIS' Software
Check the file extension of the output file to see if it is the same a...
Ensure that the file extension for the SAGA raster format ends with .s...
Generates a syntactically-correct R name based on a SAGA-GIS identifie...
Function generate text that will be parsed into R code
Apply manually-defined changes to specific tools
Generates list of options for a SAGA-GIS tool
Drops unused/empty parameters from a parameters
Internal function to extract information from a saga_tool
Calculate the t_slope value based on DEM resolution for MRVBF
Parameter class
Generates a list of parameter
objects for a SAGA-GIS tool
Convenience function to join together the saga_cmd option:value pairs
Generic function to display help and usage information for any SAGA-GI...
Read a semi-colon separated list of grids that are output by saga_cmd
Read a raster data set that is output by saga_cmd
Primary function to read data sets (raster, vector, tabular) that are ...
Read a spatial vector data set that is output by saga_cmd
Get path to the example DEM data
Read a tabular data set that is output by saga_cmd
Objects exported from other packages
Rsagacmd: Linking R with the open-source SAGA-GIS software.
Prepares the statement and runs the external saga_cmd executable
Generates a custom saga_cmd configuration file
Browse the online documentation for a saga_tool
Parses valid SAGA-GIS libraries and tools into a nested list of functi...
Function to execute SAGA-GIS commands through the command line tool
Initiate a SAGA-GIS geoprocessor object
Removes temporary files created by Rsagacmd
List temporary files created by Rsagacmd
Return the installed version of SAGA-GIS
Generic methods to save R in-memory objects to file to SAGA-GIS to acc...
Automatic search for the path to a SAGA-GIS installation
Search for a SAGA-GIS tool
List the available raster formats that can be set as defaults for a `s...
List the available vector formats that can be set as defaults for a `s...
Interval function used to summarize a saga_tool
into a tibble that d...
Summarize the tools that are available within a saga library and retur...
Summarize the parameters that are available within a SAGA-GIS tool and...
Summarize the libraries that are available within a saga object and re...
Split a raster grid into tiles for tile-based processing
Updates a parameter
object with file paths to the R data objects.
Updates a parameters
object with file paths to the R data objects.
Update a parameters
object using temporary files for any unspecified...
Provides an R scripting interface to the open-source 'SAGA-GIS' (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses Geographical Information System) software. 'Rsagacmd' dynamically generates R functions for every 'SAGA-GIS' geoprocessing tool based on the user's currently installed 'SAGA-GIS' version. These functions are contained within an S3 object and are accessed as a named list of libraries and tools. This structure facilitates an easier scripting experience by organizing the large number of 'SAGA-GIS' geoprocessing tools (>700) by their respective library. Interactive scripting can fully take advantage of code autocompletion tools (e.g. in 'RStudio'), allowing for each tools syntax to be quickly recognized. Furthermore, the most common types of spatial data (via the 'terra', 'sp', and 'sf' packages) along with non-spatial data are automatically passed from R to the 'SAGA-GIS' command line tool for geoprocessing operations, and the results are loaded as the appropriate R object. Outputs from individual 'SAGA-GIS' tools can also be chained using pipes from the 'magrittr' and 'dplyr' packages to combine complex geoprocessing operations together in a single statement. 'SAGA-GIS' is available under a GPLv2 / LGPLv2 licence from <> including Windows x86/x64 and macOS binaries. SAGA-GIS is also included in Debian/Ubuntu default software repositories. Rsagacmd has currently been tested on 'SAGA-GIS' versions from 2.3.1 to 9.5.1 on Windows, Linux and macOS.
Useful links