Identifiability of Linear Structural Equation Models
All ancestors of a collection of nodes
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are ancestralID-identifiable
Perform one iteration of ancestral identification.
Get bidirected components of a mixed graph
All children of a collection of nodes.
Create an ancestral identification function.
Create an edgewise identification function
Create an htc identification function.
Create an identifier base case
Create a latent-factor half-trek critierion identification function.
Create an latent identifier base case
Identify bidirected edges if all directed edges are identified
Helper function to create a flow graph.
Create an trek separation identification function
Helper function to create a graph encoding trek reachable relationship...
Get descendants of a collection of observed nodes
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are edgewiseID-identifiable
Perform one iteration of edgewise identification.
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are edgewiseID+TS identifiable
Flow from one set of nodes to another.
Construct FlowGraph object
A general generic identification algorithm template.
Get getAncestors of nodes in a graph.
Get descendants of nodes in a graph.
Determines if a half-trek system exists in the mixed graph.
Size of largest HT system Y satisfying the HTC for a node v except per...
Get the mixed component of a node in a mixed subgraph.
Get the corresponding mixed graph
Get getParents of nodes in a graph.
Get getSiblings of nodes in a graph.
Determines if a trek system exists in the mixed graph.
Determines whether a mixed graph is globally identifiable.
Determine generic identifiability of an acyclic mixed graph using ance...
Determine generic identifiability by Tian Decomposition and HTC
Determine generic identifiability of a mixed graph.
Determines if a mixed graph is HTC-identifiable.
Helper function to handle a graph component.
Check for generic infinite-to-one via the half-trek criterion.
Identifiability of linear structural equation models.
Determines which edges in a mixed graph are HTC-identifiable.
Perform one iteration of HTC identification.
Get all HTR nodes from a set of nodes in a graph.
Half trek reachable nodes.
Get the induced subgraph on a collection of nodes
Are two nodes siblings?
Get directed adjacency matrix.
Construct a LatentDigraph object
Construct LatentDigraphFixedOrder object
Checks that a LatentDigraph has appropriate node numbering
Get all latent nodes in the graph.
Determines which edges in a latent digraph are LF-HTC-identifiable.
Perform one iteration of latent-factor HTC identification.
Construct MixedGraph object
Checks that a MixedGraph has appropriate node numbering
Get all nodes in the graph.
Number of latent nodes in the graph.
Number of nodes in the graph.
Number of observed nodes in the graph.
Get adjacency matrix for bidirected part.
Get all observed nodes in the graph.
Get the observed parents on a collection of nodes
All parents of a collection of nodes.
Plots the latent digraph
Plot a latent factor graph
Plot a mixed graph
Prints a GenericIDResult object
Prints a LfhtcIDResult object
Prints a SEMIDResult object
SEMID package documentation.
Identifiability of linear structural equation models.
All siblings of a collection of nodes
Strongly connected component
Returns all subsets of a certain size
Returns the Tian c-component of a node
Performs the tian decomposition on the mixed graph
Identifies components in a tian decomposition
Globally identify the covariance matrix of a C-component
Transforms a vector of node indices in the internal rep. into external...
Transforms a vector of given node indices into their internal numberin...
Perform one iteration of trek separation identification.
Trek reachable nodes.
Update edge capacities.
Update vertex capacities.
A helper function to validate that latent nodes in a LatentDigraph are...
A helper function to validate input matrices.
A helper function to validate an input matrix.
A helper function to validate if input nodes are valid.
A helper function to validate that there are no variable arguments
Provides routines to check identifiability or non-identifiability of linear structural equation models as described in Drton, Foygel, and Sullivant (2011) <doi:10.1214/10-AOS859>, Foygel, Draisma, and Drton (2012) <doi:10.1214/12-AOS1012>, and other works. The routines are based on the graphical representation of structural equation models.