Test and Item Analysis via Shiny
Reparametrize fitted BLIS model to IRT
BLIS S4 class
Get Coefficients from a fitted BLIS model
Compute Cronbach alpha with confidence interval
Plot difficulties and discriminations/item validity
Get standard errors using delta method approximation
Distractor analysis
Conduct Parallel Analysis
Fit Baseline-category Logit Intercept-Slope (BLIS) model on nominal da...
Compute generalized item discrimination
Get Original Levels from a Fitted BLIS model
Plot person-item map (Wright map) using ggplot2
Range-restricted reliability with intra-class correlation
Compute traditional item analysis indices
Turn nominal (factor) data to integers, keep original levels with a ke...
Obtain model definition for mirt
's nominal model taking in account t...
Compute and plot an item correlation matrix
Plot Method for Parallel Analysis Output
Plot category probabilities of adjacent category logit model
Plot cumulative and category probabilities of cumulative logit model
Plot item characteristic curve of DIF IRT model
Function for characteristic curve of 2PL logistic DIF model
Plot item distractor analysis
Plot category probabilities of multinomial model
Print method for BLIS coefficients
Recognize and recode not-reached responses
Objects exported from other packages
Remove columns that are empty
Options consulted by ShinyItemAnalysis
ShinyItemAnalysis: Test and Item Analysis via Shiny
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Complete theme for ShinyItemAnalysis
Package including functions and interactive shiny application for the psychometric analysis of educational tests, psychological assessments, health-related and other types of multi-item measurements, or ratings from multiple raters.
Useful links