constraints-class function

Class 'constraints': a set of constraints

Class 'constraints': a set of constraints

constraints is an S4 class for representing a set of constraints and its associated objects. class


See constraints-operators for object manipulation functions.


  • constraints: a data.frame containing the constraint specifications.

  • list_constraints: a list containing the constraint object representation of each constraint.

  • pool: the item_pool object associated with the constraints.

  • item_attrib: the item_attrib object associated with the constraints.

  • st_attrib: the st_attrib object associated with the constraints.

  • test_length: the test length specified in the constraints.

  • nv: the number of decision variables. Equals ni + ns.

  • ni: the number of items to search from.

  • ns: the number of stimulus to search from.

  • id: the item/stimulus ID string of each item/stimulus.

  • index,mat,dir,rhs: these represent MIP-format constraints. A single MIP-format constraint is associated with a value in index, a row in mat, a value in rhs, and a value in dir.

      * the **i**-th value of `index` represents which constraint specification in the `constraints` argument it was translated from.
      * the **i**-th row of `mat` represents LHS coefficients to use on decision variables in the **i**-th MIP-format constraint.
      * the **i**-th value of `rhs` represents RHS values to use in the **i**-th MIP-format constraint.
      * the **i**-th value of `dir` represents the imposed constraint between LHS and RHS.
  • set_based: TRUE if the constraint is set-based. FALSE otherwise.

  • item_order: the item attribute of each item to use in imposing an item order constraint, if any.

  • item_order_by: the name of the item attribute to use in imposing an item order constraint, if any.

  • stim_order: the stimulus attribute of each stimulus to use in imposing a stimulus order constraint, if any.

  • stim_order_by: the name of the stimulus attribute to use in imposing a stimulus order constraint, if any.

  • item_index_by_stimulus: a list containing item indices of each stimulus.

  • stimulus_index_by_item: the stimulus indices of each item.

  • Maintainer: Seung W. Choi
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-08-22