Trajectory Miner: a Sequence Analysis Toolkit
Plot discriminant subsequences
Get or set the alphabet of a state or event sequence object
Terminal node membership
Dissimilarity based discrepancy
Test if is a proper state sequence (stslist) object
Plotting a seqdiff object.
Print method for state sequence objects
Read a distance matrix produced by TDA.
Check if sequence contains events
Create event sequence objects.
Searching for frequent subsequences
Retrieve unique ids from an event sequence object.
Lengths of event sequences
Create a transition-definition matrix
Setting or retrieving weights of an event sequence object.
Check if sequences are in the compressed or extended format
Indexes of state sequence(s) x in state sequence object y
Conversion between sequence formats
Search for the first occurrence of a given element in a sequence
End of first spell in given state
Random sequences generation
Count and identification of sequences with nr and void missings
Badness index
Complexity index of individual sequences
Within sequence entropies
Sequence indicators
Integrative potential
Indicators for binary sequences of positive and negative states.
State frequencies in each individual sequence
Variance of spell durations in individual sequences
Volatility of individual state sequences
Plot a legend for the states in a sequence object
Align sequence length across domains
Sequence length
Compute the length of the longest common prefix of two sequences
Compute the length of the longest common subsequence of two sequences
Logarithm of the probabilities of state sequences
State frequencies in the whole sequence data set
List of distinct states or events (alphabet) in a sequence data set.
Dimension of a set of sequences
Distances (dissimilarities) between sequences
Measures of association between domains of sequence data
Parallel coordinate plot for sequence data
Plot state sequence objects
Plot multidomain state sequences
Find substring patterns in sequences
Degradation, Precarity, and Insecurity indexes
State precarity
Recoding state sequence objects and factors
Extracting sets of representative sequences
Adds separators to sequences stored as character string
Sequences turbulence
Sequence of transversal state distributions and their entropies
Get or set the color palette of a sequence object
Analysis of discrepancy from dissimilarity measures
Compute distances to the center of a group
Domain association measures
Merging groups by minimizing loss of partition quality.
Multi-factor ANOVA from a dissimilarity matrix
Extracting sets of representative objects using a dissimilarity matrix
Relative Frequency Groups.
Assign rules to profiles provided
Tree classification rules
Dissimilarity Tree
Graphical representation of a dissimilarity tree
Plot method for seqrf objects of relative frequency groups of sequence...
Plot method for sequence frequency tables
Plot method for objects produced by the seqmeant function
Plot method for modal state sequences
Plot method for state sequence objects
Plot method for representative sequence sets
Plot method for objects produced by the seqstatd function
Plot frequencies of subsequences
Computation details about a pairwise alignment
Compare two state sequences
Concatenate vectors of states or events into a character string
Generate substitution and indel costs
Convert a character string into a vector of states or events
Create a state sequence object
Position-wise discrepancy analysis between groups of sequences
Extract sequences of distinct successive states
Extract state durations from a sequence object.
Event sequence object
Checking for the presence of given event subsequences
Identifying discriminating subsequences
Setting time constraints and the counting method
Indexes of most frequent tokens
Multidomain sequences
Mean durations in each state
Sequence of modal states
Number of matching positions between two sequences.
Transform into a sequence object with numerical alphabet.
Number of distinct subsequences in a sequence.
Frequency table of the sequences
Number of transitions in a sequence
Compute transition rates between states
Tree structured analysis of a state sequence object.
Graphical rendering of a sequence regression tree
Get or set the state labels of a sequence object
String representation of an event sequence object
Trajectory Miner: Sequence Analysis Toolkit
Checking and managing deprecated arguments
Access to TraMineR internal functions
Set of sequence analysis tools for manipulating, describing and rendering categorical sequences, and more generally mining sequence data in the field of social sciences. Although this sequence analysis package is primarily intended for state or event sequences that describe time use or life courses such as family formation histories or professional careers, its features also apply to many other kinds of categorical sequence data. It accepts many different sequence representations as input and provides tools for converting sequences from one format to another. It offers several functions for describing and rendering sequences, for computing distances between sequences with different metrics (among which optimal matching), original dissimilarity-based analysis tools, and functions for extracting the most frequent event subsequences and identifying the most discriminating ones among them. A user's guide can be found on the TraMineR web page.