Data Sets, Etc. for the Text "Using R for Introductory Statistics", Second Edition
Plots densities of data
Make big DOT plot likestripchart
Show errata
function to get answer to problem
Show head and tail
Healthy or not?
Placeholder text
Price of new and used of three mid-sized cars
Answers to selected problems
Produce confidence interval for objects of class htest
Provide menu for possible shiny demonstrations
National Practioner Data Bank
Creates a qqplot with shaded density estimate
SAT data with expenditures
Scatterplot with histograms
simulate a chutes and ladder game
Plots densities of data
Simple function to plot histogram, boxplot and normal plot
Makes 3 useful graphs for eda of times series
Makes a fancier strip chart: plots means and a line
Simply plot histogram and frequency polygon
A function to plot both a histogram and a boxplot
applies function to moving subsets of a data vector
Simplify usage of lm
Do simple sign test for median -- no ranks
Simple scatter plot of x versus y with histograms of each
Simplify the process of simulation
Plots violinplots instead of boxplots
Implement basic z-test for illustrative purposes
Judges scores for disputed ice skating competition
Add split method for zoo objects
Create a squareplot alternative to a segmented barplot
super segmented barplot
Does new goo taste great?
Plots violinplots instead of boxplots
Download stock data from Yahoo!
A collection of data sets to accompany the textbook "Using R for Introductory Statistics," second edition.