Modelling Multivariate Data with Additive Bayesian Networks
Fit a given regression using INLA
Fit a given regression using INLA
Make BUGS model from fitted DAG with grouping
Build a cache of goodness of fit metrics for each node in a DAG, possi...
function to extract the mode from INLA output
Extract Standard Deviations from all Gaussian Nodes
abn Version Information
Print AIC of objects of class abnFit
Bugs code for Bernoulli response
Print BIC of objects of class abnFit
Control the iterations in buildScoreCache
Bugs code for Categorical response
Documentation of C Functions
Simple check on the control parameters
Set of simple commonsense validity checks on the directed acyclic grap...
Set of simple commonsense validity checks on the data.df and data.dist...
Simple check on the control parameters
Simple check on the grouping variable
Set of simple checks on the given parent limits
Set of simple checks on the list given as parent limits
Print coefficients of objects of class abnFit
Compare two DAGs or EGs
Compare two DAGs or EGs
Make DAG of class "abnDag"
Discretization of a Possibly Continuous Data Frame of Random Variables...
Prints start up message
Computes an Empirical Estimation of the Entropy from a Table of Counts
Construct the essential graph
function to get marginal across an equal grid
Synthetic validation data set for use with abn library examples
Synthetic validation data set for use with abn library examples
Synthetic validation data set for use with abn library examples
Validation data set for use with abn library examples
Valdiation data set for use with abn library examples
Valdiation data set for use with abn library examples
Valdiation data set for use with abn library examples
Valdiation data set for use with abn library examples
expit of proportions
expit function
Fast Factorial
Print family of objects of class abnFit
Find next X evaluation Point
Control the iterations in fitAbn
Fit an additive Bayesian network model
Regress each node on its parents.#'
Formula to adjacency matrix
Bugs code for Gaussian response
function to extract quantiles from INLA output
Create ordered vector with integers denoting the distribution
Internal function called by fitAbn.bayes
function to extract marginals from INLA output
Compute standard information for a DAG.
Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Binomials
BR Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Binomials
Fast Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Binomials
Fast Br Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Binomials
Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Gaussians
Fast Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Gaussians
Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Poissons
Fast Iterative Reweighed Least Square algorithm for Poissons
Returns the strengths of the edge connections in a Bayesian Network le...
Logit of proportions
logit functions
Print logLik of objects of class abnFit
Make BUGS model from fitted DAG
Check for valid distribution
Compute the Markov blanket
Mutual Information
Empirical Estimation of the Entropy from a Table of Counts
Convert modes to fitAbn.mle$coefs structure
Find most probable DAG structure
Print number of observations of objects of class abnFit
Probability to odds
Odds Ratio from a matrix
Plots DAG from an object of class abnDag
Plot objects of class abnFit
Plot objects of class abnHeuristic
Plot objects of class abnHillClimber
Plot objects of class abnMostprobable
Plot an ABN graphic
Bugs code for Poisson response
Print objects of class abnCache
Print objects of class abnDag
Print objects of class abnFit
Print objects of class abnHeuristic
Print objects of class abnHillClimber
Print objects of class abnMostprobable
Rank of a matrix
Compute the score's contribution in a network of each observation.
A family of heuristic algorithms that aims at finding high scoring dir...
Find high scoring directed acyclic graphs using heuristic search.
Simulate data from a fitted additive Bayesian network.
Simulate a DAG with with arbitrary arcs density
Computes skewness of a distribution
Standard Area Under the Marginal
Recursive string splitting
Prints summary statistics from an object of class abnDag
Print summary of objects of class abnFit
Print summary of objects of class abnMostprobable
tidy up cache
Convert a DAG into graphviz format
Check for valid DAG of class abnDag
The 'abn' R package facilitates Bayesian network analysis, a probabilistic graphical model that derives from empirical data a directed acyclic graph (DAG). This DAG describes the dependency structure between random variables. The R package 'abn' provides routines to help determine optimal Bayesian network models for a given data set. These models are used to identify statistical dependencies in messy, complex data. Their additive formulation is equivalent to multivariate generalised linear modelling, including mixed models with independent and identically distributed (iid) random effects. The core functionality of the 'abn' package revolves around model selection, also known as structure discovery. It supports both exact and heuristic structure learning algorithms and does not restrict the data distribution of parent-child combinations, providing flexibility in model creation and analysis. The 'abn' package uses Laplace approximations for metric estimation and includes wrappers to the 'INLA' package. It also employs 'JAGS' for data simulation purposes. For more resources and information, visit the 'abn' website.
Useful links