Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics
Absolute grob
Modify properties of an element in a theme object
Add a showSelected aesthetic if legend is specified
Add the showSelected/clickSelects params to the aesthetics mapping
Define aesthetic mappings from strings, or quoted calls and formulas.
Given a character vector, create a set of identity mappings
Automatic aesthetic mapping
Colour related aesthetics: colour, fill and alpha
Differentiation related aesthetics: linetype, size, shape
Position related aesthetics: x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xend, yend
Define aesthetic mappings.
Create an animint
Base gganimintproto classes for ggplot2
Compile and render an animint in a local directory.
Publish a list of ggplots as interactive visualizations on a GitHub re...
Shiny ui output function
Create an annotation layer.
Annotation: Custom grob.
Annotation: log tick marks
Annotation: maps.
Annotation: High-performance rectangular tiling.
Coerce to labeller function
Convert a gganimintproto object to a list
Create a complete ggplot appropriate to a particular data type
Benchmark plot creation time. Broken down into construct, build, rende...
Create a layer of map borders.
Calculate the element properties, by inheriting properties from its pa...
Check animation variable for errors
Check extra_params
argument for duplicates, non-named list
Check if showSelected and clickSelects have been used as aesthetics as...
Performs error checking on the plot for animint extensions
Check plot.list for errors
Issue warnings for non interactive plots where there is only one showS...
Filter out columns that do not need to be copied
Continuous scale constructor.
Cartesian coordinates.
Cartesian coordinates with fixed relationship between x and y scales.
Flipped cartesian coordinates.
Map projections.
Munch coordinates data
Polar coordinates.
Transformed cartesian coordinate system.
Cut up numeric vector into useful groups.
Discrete scale constructor.
Key drawing functions
Theme element: blank. This theme element draws nothing, and assigns no...
Generate grid grob from theme element
Theme element: line.
Theme element: rectangle.
Theme element: text.
Expand the plot limits with data.
Lay out panels in a grid.
Facet specification: a single panel.
Wrap a 1d ribbon of panels into 2d.
Facet specification.
Format a gganimintproto object
Supplement the data fitted to a linear model with model fit statistics...
Fortify method for map objects.
Fortify a model with data.
Fortify method for classes from the sp package.
Learn the layout of panels within a plot.
Lines: horizontal, vertical, and specified by slope and intercept.
Bars, rectangles with bases on x-axis
Add heatmap of 2d bin counts.
Blank, draws nothing.
Display contours of a 3d surface in 2d.
Count the number of observations at each location.
Contours from a 2d density estimate.
Display a smooth density estimate.
Dot plot
Horizontal error bars
Hexagon binning.
Histograms and frequency polygons.
Points, jittered to reduce overplotting.
Vertical intervals: lines, crossbars & errorbars.
Polygons from a reference map.
Connect observations.
Points, as for a scatterplot
Polygon, a filled path.
Ribbons and area plots.
Marginal rug plots.
Line segments and curves.
Add a smoothed conditional mean.
A line segment parameterised by location, direction and distance.
ggplot2 geom with xmin and xmax aesthetics that covers the entire y ra...
Textual annotations.
Draw rectangles.
Violin plot.
ggplot2 geom with ymin and ymax aesthetics that covers the entire x ra...
Save the common columns for each tsv to one chunk
Gives a unique name to each layer in saveLayer
Get all parameters for a layer
Function to get legend information for each scale
Function to get legend information from ggplot
Function to process text size with different types of unit
Get unique axis labels for the plot
Give a deprecation error, warning, or message, depending on version nu...
Add a new component to a ggplot or theme object.
Create a new gganimintproto object
Build ggplot for rendering.
Build a plot with all the usual bits and pieces.
Create a new ggplot plot.
Generate a ggplot2 plot grob.
Save a ggplot (or other grid object) with sensible defaults
ggplot2 themes
Graphical units
Continuous colour bar guide.
Legend guide.
Set guides for each scale.
Wrap up a selection of summary functions from Hmisc to make it easy to...
Is this object a coordinate system?
Is this object a facetting specification?
Is an object a gganimintproto object?
Reports whether x is a ggplot object
Reports whether x is a rel object
Check if character is an RGB hexadecimal color value
Reports whether x is a theme object
Issue warnings for selectors
Insert an interactive animation into an R markdown document using a cu...
Backquoted labeller
Generic labeller function for facets
Labeller functions
Change axis labels, legend titles, plot title/subtitle and below-plot ...
Retrieve the last plot to be modified or created.
Create a new layer
Generate correct scale type for specified limits
Convenience functions to set the axis limits.
Convenience function for an interactive bar that might otherwise be cr...
Make a clickSelects geom_widerect or geom_tallrect that completely til...
Make a clickSelects geom_tallrect that completely tiles the x range. T...
Convenvience function for a showSelected plot label.
Make a clickSelects geom_widerect that completely tiles the y range. T...
Create a data frame of map data.
Define margins.
Calculate mean and standard errors on either side.
Merge a list of data frames.
Environment to store meta data
Convert a ggplot to a list.
Adjust position by dodging overlaps to the side.
Don't adjust position
Jitter points to avoid overplotting.
Adjust position by simultaneously dodging and jittering
Nudge points.
Stack overlapping objects on top of one another.
print animint
Draw plot on current graphics device.
Print a gganimintproto object
Convert pt
value to lines
Quick plot
Objects exported from other packages
Relative sizing for theme elements
Convenience function to remove missing values from a data.frame
Create an animint output element
Compute the "resolution" of a data vector.
Split data set into chunks and save them to separate files.
Alpha scales.
Sequential, diverging and qualitative colour scales from colorbrewer.o...
Continuous position scales (x & y).
Position scale, date & date times
Discrete position.
Smooth gradient between two colours
Sequential grey colour scale.
Qualitative colour scale with evenly spaced hues.
Use values without scaling.
Scale for line patterns.
Create your own discrete scale.
Scale for shapes, aka glyphs.
Scale point sizes using circle area, but specifying the radius in pixe...
Scale size (area or radius).
Separate .variable/.value selectors
Set plot width and height for all plots
Used in examples to illustrate when errors should occur.
Split data.frame into recursive list of data.frame.
Empirical Cumulative Density Function
Plot data ellipses.
Superimpose a function.
Identity statistic.
Calculation for quantile-quantile plot.
Bin and summarise in 2d (rectangle & hexagons)
Summarise y values at unique/binned x x.
Remove duplicates.
Displays a useful description of a ggplot object
Flip axes in case of coord_flip Switches column names. Eg. xmin to ymi...
theme for passing animint specific params
Get, set and update themes.
Set theme elements
Convert R colors to RGB hexadecimal color values
Train position scales with data
Convenience function to transform all position variables.
Function to transform R shapes into d3 shapes...
Translating between qplot and ggplot
Translating between qplot and lattice
Modify geom/stat aesthetic defaults for future plots
Update gallery
Update axis/legend labels
Extract subset for each data.frame in a list of data.frame
A waiver object.
The zero grob draws nothing and has zero size.
Functions are provided for defining animated, interactive data visualizations in R code, and rendering on a web page. The 2018 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics paper, <doi:10.1080/10618600.2018.1513367> describes the concepts implemented.