Bayesian Aggregate Treatment Effects
Add colors to baggr plots
baggr - a package for Bayesian meta-analysis
Bayesian aggregate treatment effects model
(Run and) compare multiple baggr models
Plotting method in baggr package
Set, get, and replace themes for baggr plots
Generate individual-level binary outcome data from an aggregate statis...
Bubble plots for meta-regression models
Convert inputs for baggr models
Make predictive draws from baggr model
Plot predictive draws from baggr model
Effects of covariates on outcome in baggr models
Draw a forest plot for a baggr model
Separate out ordering so we can test directly
Extract baggr study/group effects
Check if something is a baggr_cv object
L'Abbe plot for binary data
Compare LOO CV models
Leave one group out cross-validation for baggr
"Mean and interval" function, including other summaries, calculated fo...
Correlation between mu and tau in a baggr model
Plotting method for baggr outputs
Plot method for baggr_compare models
Plotting method for results of baggr LOO analyses
plot quantiles
Pooling metrics and related statistics for baggr
Convert from individual to summary data in meta-analyses
Prepare prior values for Stan models in baggr
S3 print method for objects of class baggr
(model fits)
Print method for baggr_compare models
Print baggr cv objects nicely
Print baggr_cv comparisons
Output a distribution as a string
Prior distributions in baggr
Extract only random effects from a baggr model
Add prior values to Stan input for baggr
Plot single comparison ggplot in baggr_compare
Average treatment effects in a baggr model
Running and comparing meta-analyses of data with hierarchical Bayesian models in Stan, including convenience functions for formatting data, plotting and pooling measures specific to meta-analysis. This implements many models from Meager (2019) <doi:10.1257/app.20170299>.