Block, Assign, and Diagnose Potential Interference in Randomized Experiments
Calculate balance statistics from an assignment object
Randomly assign blocked units to treatment conditions
Block units into homogeneous experimental blocks
Prepare prior nonsequential assignments for subsequent sequential assi...
Block, Randomly Assign, and Diagnose Potential Interference in Randomi...
Create vector of integers containing block identifiers
Diagnose whether units assigned to different treatment conditions may ...
Create vector of integers containing treatment condition identifiers
Calculate treatment effect confidence intervals by inverting the rando...
Export blocked or assigned data to .csv format files
Export blocked or assigned data to .tex format files
Sequential assignment of unit(s) into experimental conditions using co...
Blocks units into experimental blocks, with one unit per treatment condition, by creating a measure of multivariate distance between all possible pairs of units. Maximum, minimum, or an allowable range of differences between units on one variable can be set. Randomly assign units to treatment conditions. Diagnose potential interference between units assigned to different treatment conditions. Write outputs to .tex and .csv files. For more information on the methods implemented, see Moore (2012) <doi:10.1093/pan/mps025>.