Camera Trap Data Management and Preparation of Occupancy and Spatial Capture-Recapture Analyses
Copy and rename images based on camera trap station ID and creation da...
Optical character recognition (OCR) from data fields in digital images
Shiny dashboard for summarizing and analyzing camera trap survey data
Create a report about a camera trapping survey and species detections
Apply time shifts to JPEG image metadata
Write values to DateTimeOriginal tag in image metadata
Plot overlapping kernel densities of two-species activities
Radial plots of single-species activity
Write a copyright tag into JPEG image metadata
Add a directory to PATH temporarily
Plot kernel density estimation of single-species activity
Plot histogram of single-species activity
Check species names against the ITIS taxonomic database
commOccu objects
Create a community (multi-species) occupancy model for JAGS or Nimble
Create species directories for species identification
Collect all images of a species
Show Exif metadata of JPEG images or other image or video formats
Filter species record table for temporal independence
Fit a community (multi-species) occupancy model
Fix DateTimeOriginal Exif metadata tag in Reconyx Hyperfire cameras
Plot effect sizes of covariates in community occupancy model
Plot Marginal Effects of Covariates
Predictions from community occupancy models
Generate a species record table from camera trap images and videos
Generate a single-species record table with individual identification ...
Generate a capthist
object for spatial capture-recapture analyses fr...
Summarize community occupancy model
Create camera trap station directories for raw camera trap images
Species detection histories for occupancy analyses
Generate maps of observed species richness and species presences by st...
Add or remove species names from JPEG image filenames
Create a camera trap station operation matrix
Overview of the functions in the camtrapR package
Consistency check on species image identification
Management of and data extraction from camera trap data in wildlife studies. The package provides a workflow for storing and sorting camera trap photos (and videos), tabulates records of species and individuals, and creates detection/non-detection matrices for occupancy and spatial capture-recapture analyses with great flexibility. In addition, it can visualise species activity data and provides simple mapping functions with GIS export.
Useful links