Clustered Covariate Regression
Concrete class constructor
Linear regression via coordinate descent with covariate clustering
Sequential CCR
Sequential CCR with k clusters
Regression - gammainverse class
Regression - gammalog class
Regression - lm class
Regression - logit class
Regression - negbin class
Regression - poissonidentity class
Regression - poissonlog class
Regression - poissonsqrt class
Regression - probit class
Regression - qreg class
Model criterion function
Clustering of vector elements
Golden Section Search Algorithm
Integer Golden Search Minimisation
Linear regression via coordinate descent with covariate clustering
Construct a network design matrix
Clustered covariate regression enables estimation and inference in both linear and non-linear models with linear predictor functions even when the design matrix is column rank deficient. Routines in this package implement algorithms in Soale and Tsyawo (2019) <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.32355.81441>.