Contrast Analyses for Factorial Designs
Calculate between contrast analysis from aggregated data (means, sds a...
Calculate contrast analysis for factorial designs
Calculate r_alerting from F-values
Calculate r_alerting from r_contrast and r_effectsize
Calculate r_contrast from r_alerting and r_effectsize
Calculate r_effectsize from r_contrast and r_alerting
cofad: Contrast Analyses for Factorial Designs
Calculate lambdas for two competing hypotheses
Pipe operator
Output of between-subject design contrast analysis
Output of a mixed design contrast analysis
Output of a within subject design contrast analysis
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Summary of between subject design contrast analysis
Summary of a mixed design contrast analysis
Summary of within subject design contrast analysis
Contrast analysis for factorial designs provides an alternative to the traditional ANOVA approach, offering the distinct advantage of testing targeted hypotheses. The foundation of this package is primarily rooted in the works of Rosenthal, Rosnow, and Rubin (2000, ISBN: 978-0521659802) as well as Sedlmeier and Renkewitz (2018, ISBN: 978-3868943214).