Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
Apply Functions Across Multiple Columns
Fast Row/Column Arithmetic for Matrix-Like Objects
Split-Apply-Combine Computing
Advanced Data Aggregation
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Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
Renamed Functions
Fast Reordering of Data Frame Columns
Data Apply
Data Transformations
Detailed Statistical Description of Data Frame
Small Functions to Make R Programming More Efficient
Find and Extract / Subset List Elements
Fast Data Manipulation
Fast Grouping and Ordering
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Statistical Functions for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast Between (Averaging) and (Quasi-)Within (Centering) Transformation...
Efficiently Count Observations by Group
Fast (Grouped, Ordered) Cumulative Sum for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Quasi-, Log-) Differences for Time Series and Panel Data
Fast and Flexible Distance Computations
Fast Removal of Unused Factor Levels
Fast (Grouped) First and Last Value for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Weighted) F-test for Linear Models (with Factors)
Fast Growth Rates for Time Series and Panel Data
Higher-Dimensional Centering and Linear Prediction
Fast Lags and Leads for Time Series and Panel Data
Fast (Weighted) Linear Model Fitting
Fast Matching
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Mean for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Grouped) Maxima and Minima for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Statistical Mode for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Grouped) Distinct Value Count for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Grouped) Observation Count for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) N'th Element/Quantile for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Product for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Weighted) Sample Quantiles and Range
Fast Renaming and Relabelling Objects
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Scaling and Centering of Matrix-like Objects
Fast Slicing of Matrix-Like Objects
Fast Subsetting Matrix-Like Objects
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Sum for Matrix-Like Objects
Fast Summarise
Fast Transform and Compute Columns on a Data Frame
Fast Unique Elements / Rows
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Variance and Standard Deviation for Matrix-Li...
Fast Hash-Based Grouping
Generate Run-Length Type Group-Id
Fast Grouping / collapse Grouping Objects
Fast Indexed Time Series and Panels
Unlistable Lists
Fast and Verbose Table Joins
Determine the Depth / Level of Nesting of a List
List Processing
Pad Matrix-Like Objects with a Value
Fast and Easy Data Reshaping
Auto- and Cross- Covariance and Correlation Function Estimation for Pa...
Matrix / Array from Panel Series
(Pairwise, Weighted) Correlations, Covariances and Observation Counts
Fast Factor Generation, Interactions and Vector Grouping
Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Summary Statistics for Cross-Sectional and Pa...
Fast (Weighted) Cross Tabulation
Quick Data Conversion
Fast Radix-Based Ordering
Recursively Apply a Function to a List of Data Objects
Recode and Replace Values in Matrix-Like Objects
Row-Bind Lists / Data Frame-Like Objects
Fast Reordering of Data Frame Rows
Fast (Recursive) Splitting
Fast Select, Replace or Add Data Frame Columns
Generate Group-Id from Integer Sequences
Small (Helper) Functions
Summary Statistics
Efficient List Transpose
Time Series and Panel Series
Generate Integer-Id From Time/Date Sequences
Transform Data by (Grouped) Replacing or Sweeping out Statistics
Recursive Row-Binding / Unlisting in 2D - to Data Frame
Fast Check of Variation in Data
A C/C++ based package for advanced data transformation and statistical computing in R that is extremely fast, class-agnostic, robust and programmer friendly. Core functionality includes a rich set of S3 generic grouped and weighted statistical functions for vectors, matrices and data frames, which provide efficient low-level vectorizations, OpenMP multithreading, and skip missing values by default. These are integrated with fast grouping and ordering algorithms (also callable from C), and efficient data manipulation functions. The package also provides a flexible and rigorous approach to time series and panel data in R. It further includes fast functions for common statistical procedures, detailed (grouped, weighted) summary statistics, powerful tools to work with nested data, fast data object conversions, functions for memory efficient R programming, and helpers to effectively deal with variable labels, attributes, and missing data. It is well integrated with base R classes, 'dplyr'/'tibble', 'data.table', 'sf', 'units', 'plm' (panel-series and data frames), and 'xts'/'zoo'.
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