quick-conversion function

Quick Data Conversion

Quick Data Conversion

Fast, flexible and precise conversion of common data objects, without method dispatch and extensive checks:

  • qDF, qDT and qTBL convert vectors, matrices, higher-dimensional arrays and suitable lists to data frame, data.table and tibble, respectively.
  • qM converts vectors, higher-dimensional arrays, data frames and suitable lists to matrix.
  • mctl and mrtl column- or row-wise convert a matrix to list, data frame or data.table. They are used internally by qDF/qDT/qTBL, dapply, BY, etc...
  • qF converts atomic vectors to factor (documented on a separate page).
  • as_numeric_factor, as_integer_factor, and as_character_factor convert factors, or all factor columns in a data frame / list, to character or numeric (by converting the levels).
# Converting between matrices, data frames / tables / tibbles qDF(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = "data.frame") qDT(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = c("data.table", "data.frame")) qTBL(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = c("tbl_df","tbl","data.frame")) qM(X, row.names.col = NULL , keep.attr = FALSE, class = NULL, sep = ".") # Programmer functions: matrix rows or columns to list / DF / DT - fully in C++ mctl(X, names = FALSE, return = "list") mrtl(X, names = FALSE, return = "list") # Converting factors or factor columns as_numeric_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE) as_integer_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE) as_character_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE)


  • X: a vector, factor, matrix, higher-dimensional array, data frame or list. mctl and mrtl only accept matrices, as_numeric_factor, as_integer_factor and as_character_factor only accept factors, data frames or lists.

  • row.names.col: can be used to add an column saving names or row.names when converting objects to data frame using qDF/qDT/qTBL. TRUE will add a column "row.names", or you can supply a name e.g. row.names.col = "variable". If X is a named atomic vector, a length 2 vector of names can be supplied, e.g., qDF(fmean(mtcars), c("car", "mean")). With qM, the argument has the opposite meaning, and can be used to select one or more columns in a data frame/list which will be used to create the rownames of the matrix e.g. qM(iris, row.names.col = "Species"). In this case the column(s) can be specified using names, indices, a logical vector or a selector function. See Examples.

  • keep.attr: logical. FALSE (default) yields a hard / thorough object conversion: All unnecessary attributes are removed from the object yielding a plain matrix / data.frame / data.table. FALSE yields a soft / minimal object conversion: Only the attributes 'names', 'row.names', 'dim', 'dimnames' and 'levels' are modified in the conversion. Other attributes are preserved. See also class.

  • class: if a vector of classes is passed here, the converted object will be assigned these classes. If NULL is passed, the default classes are assigned: qM assigns no class, qDF a class "data.frame", and qDT a class c("data.table", "data.frame"). If keep.attr = TRUE and class = NULL and the object already inherits the default classes, further inherited classes are preserved. See Details and the Example.

  • sep: character. Separator used for interacting multiple variables selected through row.names.col.

  • names: logical. Should the list be named using row/column names from the matrix?

  • return: an integer or string specifying what to return. The options are:

    1"list"returns a plain list
    2"data.frame"returns a plain data.frame
    3"data.table"returns a plain data.table


Object conversions using these functions are maximally efficient and involve 3 consecutive steps: (1) Converting the storage mode / dimensions / data of the object, (2) converting / modifying the attributes and (3) modifying the class of the object:

(1) is determined by the choice of function and the optional row.names.col argument. Higher-dimensional arrays are converted by expanding the second dimension (adding columns, same as as.matrix, as.data.frame, as.data.table).

(2) is determined by the keep.attr argument: keep.attr = TRUE seeks to preserve the attributes of the object. Its effect is like copying attributes(converted) <- attributes(original), and then modifying the "dim", "dimnames", "names", "row.names" and "levels" attributes as necessitated by the conversion task. keep.attr = FALSE only converts / assigns / removes these attributes and drops all others.

(3) is determined by the class argument: Setting class = "myclass" will yield a converted object of class "myclass", with any other / prior classes being removed by this replacement. Setting class = NULL does NOT mean that a class NULL is assigned (which would remove the class attribute), but rather that the default classes are assigned: qM assigns no class, qDF a class "data.frame", and qDT a class c("data.table", "data.frame"). At this point there is an interaction with keep.attr: If keep.attr = TRUE and class = NULL and the object converted already inherits the respective default classes, then any other inherited classes will also be preserved (with qM(x, keep.attr = TRUE, class = NULL) any class will be preserved if is.matrix(x) evaluates to TRUE.)

The default keep.attr = FALSE ensures hard conversions so that all unnecessary attributes are dropped. Furthermore in qDF/qDT/qTBL the default classes were explicitly assigned. This is to ensure that the default methods apply, even if the user chooses to preserve further attributes. For qM a more lenient default setup was chosen to enable the full preservation of time series matrices with keep.attr = TRUE. If the user wants to keep attributes attached to a matrix but make sure that all default methods work properly, either one of qM(x, keep.attr = TRUE, class = "matrix") or unclass(qM(x, keep.attr = TRUE)) should be employed.


qDF - returns a data.frame

qDT - returns a data.table

qTBL - returns a tibble

qM - returns a matrix

mctl, mrtl - return a list, data frame or data.table

qF - returns a factor

as_numeric_factor - returns X with factors converted to numeric (double) variables

as_integer_factor - returns X with factors converted to integer variables

as_character_factor - returns X with factors converted to character variables

See Also

qF, Collapse Overview


## Basic Examples mtcarsM <- qM(mtcars) # Matrix from data.frame mtcarsDT <- qDT(mtcarsM) # data.table from matrix columns mtcarsTBL <- qTBL(mtcarsM) # tibble from matrix columns head(mrtl(mtcarsM, TRUE, "data.frame")) # data.frame from matrix rows, etc.. head(qDF(mtcarsM, "cars")) # Adding a row.names column when converting from matrix head(qDT(mtcars, "cars")) # Saving row.names when converting data frame to data.table head(qM(iris, "Species")) # Examples converting data to matrix, saving information head(qM(GGDC10S, is.character)) # as rownames head(qM(gv(GGDC10S, -(2:3)), 1:3, sep = "-")) # plm-style rownames qDF(fmean(mtcars), c("cars", "mean")) # Data frame from named vector, with names # mrtl() and mctl() are very useful for iteration over matrices # Think of a coordninates matrix e.g. from sf::st_coordinates() coord <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("X", "Y"))) # Then we can for (d in mrtl(coord)) { cat("lon =", d[1], ", lat =", d[2], fill = TRUE) # do something complicated ... } rm(coord) ## Factors cylF <- qF(mtcars$cyl) # Factor from atomic vector cylF # Factor to numeric conversions identical(mtcars, as_numeric_factor(dapply(mtcars, qF)))
  • Maintainer: Sebastian Krantz
  • License: GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-10