tots.per.location( data, geo.loc =NULL, confBnd =FALSE, nbr.plts =1, info ="")
data: data.frame with time series data from covid19
geo.loc: list of locations
confBnd: flag to activate/deactivate drawing of confidence bands base on a moving average window
nbr.plts: parameter to control the number of plots to display per figure
info: additional info to display in plots' titles
a list or dataframe with totals per specified locations and type of case
# read data for confirmed casesdata <-"ts-confirmed")# compute totals per location for all the countriestots.per.location(data)# compute totals per location for 'Italy'tots.per.location(data,geo.loc="Italy")# compute totals per location for 'Italy' and 'Germany'tots.per.location(data,geo.loc=c("Italy","Germany"))