Mixed Effects Cox Models
Extraction functions for Lmekin
Analysis of Deviance for a Cox model.
Auxillary parameters for controlling coxme fits.
Coxme regression output object
Fit a mixed effects Cox model
Variance family function for coxme fits.
Coxme variance function
Expand nested factors
Import from package nlme
Extraction functions for Coxme
Auxillary parameters for controlling lmekin fits.
lmekin object
Fit a linear mixed effects model
The logLik method for coxme objects
Predictions for a coxme object.
Print method for a coxme fit.
Print function for lmekin
Import from package nlme
Import from package nlme
Fit Cox proportional hazards models containing both fixed and random effects. The random effects can have a general form, of which familial interactions (a "kinship" matrix) is a particular special case. Note that the simplest case of a mixed effects Cox model, i.e. a single random per-group intercept, is also called a "frailty" model. The approach is based on Ripatti and Palmgren, Biometrics 2002.