Data Tools
Methods on Cube objects
Modify cube missing behavior
Calculate standardized residuals from a CrunchCube
Get measure type of cube result
Cut a Datetime Crunch variable
Cut a numeric Crunch variable
View or set a dashboard URL
Get and set the owner of a dataset
Get a Crunch object's dataset URL method for CrunchDataset
Organize Datasets
Construct Crunch Expressions from Crunch Database Functions
Get and set "archived" and "published" status of a dataset
Get a catalog of datasets
Export a dataset to a file
Export a Crunch Deck
Crunch expressions internal
Expression to fill a variable from another
Get or set a dataset's filters
Remove nesting of groups within an order/group
Rearrange array subvariables
Find and move entities to a new folder
Force variables catalog to be loaded
Create a fork of a dataset
Fortify crunch objects for use with ggplot
Generate Labels for the cut function
Generate entry for makeWeight
Geography properties for crunch variables
Find all users on your account
Get dimension type
Retrieve your teams
grab column names for subsetting crdfs
grab row indicators for subsetting crdfs
Get grouped or ungrouped OrderGroups
Do the right thing with the HTTP response
Check if a package has a function installed
Hide/Unhide or Privatize/Deprivatize Variables
HTTP methods for communicating with the Crunch API
Calculate an index table for a CrunchCube
Abstract categories
Add geodata metadata to a crunch variable
Add subvariable to an array
Add summary statistics to a CrunchCube
Add multiple variables to a dataset
Get and set slide analyses
Append one Crunch dataset to another
Manually trigger a pending append to a dataset
apply a function against a dimension
Calculate the transforms from a CrunchCube
Convert Variables to local R objects
as.environment method for CrunchDataset
Undo behavior of a Crunch Automation Script
Get the property features for available geographies
See the appended batches of this dataset
Build Regex to find delimited items.
S3 method to concatenate Categories and Category objects
Given a vector of values and elements, calculate the insertions method for catalog objects
A utility to return a data.frame from a ShojiCatalog.
Categories in CategoricalVariables
Convert a factor's levels into Crunch categories.
Change to different folder
Change the id of a category for a categorical variable
Check validity of margins
Check if a user has packages installed
Remove batches from a dataset
Collapse an array from a CrunchCube by summing
Combine Categories in place
Combine categories or responses
Compare two datasets to see how they will append
Conditional transformation
Give consent to do things that require permission
Context managers
Copy the folder structure from one dataset to another.
Copy the variable order from one dataset to another.
Copy the order of a VariableGroup
(or individual variable URL) from ...
Copy a variable
Create an empty dataset
Create subvariable derivation expressions
Make a dataset with metadata and a CSV
Upload a prepared data.frame with metadata to Crunch
Crunch xtabs: Crosstab and otherwise aggregate variables in a Crunch D...
Crunch API Keys
Extract and modify Crunch objects
Test whether a Crunch object belongs to a class
crunch: Data Tools
Summary methods for Crunch Variables
Univariate statistics on Crunch objects
Crunch situation report
Generate or extend the User-Agent string
Main Crunch API handling function
Make a CrunchBox
Crunch Datasets
Variables in Crunch
Work with CrunchCubes, MultitableResults, and TabBookResults
Manipulate deck titles
Get a dataset's DeckCatalog
Delete a Crunch object from the server
Delete a dataset from the dataset list
Delete subvariables from an array
Delete Variables Within a Dataset
Get or set a derived variable's expression
Make a Categorical Array or Multiple Response variable
Get and set names, aliases on Catalog-type objects
Name, alias, and description for Crunch objects
Indicate how categories represent a dichotomized value
Dataset dimensions
Pairwise column and row comparison
Column and row comparison
Collapse an array from a CrunchCube by summing across dimensions to re...
Permanently delete rows from a dataset
"duplicated" method for Crunch objects
Get HTML for embedding a CrunchBox
Validate case statements for case variables
Get/set options (user-specified, in environment, or in R options)
Escape a regular expression
View and set exclusion filters
Insert categories in transformations
Create a variable by interacting categorical variables for Categories
View and modify the "public" attribute of artifacts
Read and set edit privileges
Check that a value is TRUE or FALSE
Add columns from one dataset to another, joining on a key
Length of Crunch objects
Open dataset selector
Get the names of datasets in a project
Load a Crunch Dataset
Lock and unlock a dataset for editing
DEPRECATED! Authenticate with the Crunch API
Array builder
Make a case variable
Create a categorical or numeric variable based on conditions
Helper for creating slide dimension transformations for dashboards and...
Convert a child class of Insertion into a proper Insertion
Make a map of margins
Create Multiple Response Variable from Delimited lists
Generate a weight variable
Convert from user margins to real cube margins or vice versa
Match categories with features from geodata
My user entity
Manage access to datasets and other objects
Merge a CrunchDataFrame
Merge changes to a dataset from a fork
Change which variables can be set as a dataset's weight.
Move and delete last element of a vector This moves the last element o...
Multitable entities for a dataset
Functions to manipulate variables' or project's folder structure
Omit missing categories
Upload data to Crunch to make a new dataset
Upload a data.frame column-by-column to make a new dataset
Upload a file to Crunch to make a new dataset
Create an empty Crunch Deck
Import a fixture dataset for testing
Create a new filter
Add a new markdown slide to a deck
Create a new Multitable
Create a new folder
Append a new slide to a Crunch Deck
See if there's a new version of the package on GitHub
Remove transformations from a CrunchCube
Get and set VariableOrder
See who owns these datasets
Get the palettes from a crunch object
Get the pending streams for a dataset
Get and set the primary key for a Crunch dataset
Check a Crunch progress URL until it finishes
Get and set the market size for Crunch datasets
Check if a dataset will make a good CrunchBox
Translate a data.frame to Crunch format
List project folders
Reassign all Crunch objects from a user
Get a fresh copy from the server
Remove OrderGroups with no entities
Reorder slides in a CrunchDeck
Transform character vectors into indices
Replace missing elements with TRUE
Methods for Datetime variable resolutions
Restore a dataset to a previously saved version
Delete a folder
Create variables based on row-wise functions for crunch Multiple Respo...
Create variables useful for determining whether a row's values are sus...
Run a crunch automation script
Create a new saved version
Score similarity between a feature dataframe and categories
Crunch Automation scripts entities for a dataset
Search Crunch for datasets.
Get the URL of this object
Make a prose list
Extract catalogs from a Session object
Get various catalogs for your Crunch session
Set or modify general Crunch API request configuration
Change which server to point to
Base setter for Crunch objects
Setter for Crunch objects that wraps in a "body"
setter for Crunch objects that allows a single request to update multi...
Change the name of the current folder
Change the name of the entities in a catalog
Change the order of entities in folder
View and modify dataset-level settings
Helper for switching between API keys and urls
Share a dataset
Get the body of a Catalog
Wrap variable metadata inside a dataset entity
Mix-in class for multiple inheritance of variables and datasets.
Manipulate VariableGroup and VariableOrder
Get a resource URL from a Shoji Object
Show methods for Crunch objects
Show transformations on a Crunch object
Handle missing categories in CrunchCube
Create sliding subvariable definitions
Access the slides of a CrunchDeck
Set the streaming property of a dataset
Stream data to a Crunch dataset
Subtotals and headings
Convert from Insertion to Insertion subtypes
Subvariables in Array Variables
Summary insertions
TabBookResult and MultitableResult dimension
Compute a Tab Book
Table function for Crunch objects
Share Crunch assets with a team
Set some global options temporarily
toJSON methods for Crunch objects
Add an auth token manually
Generic method for converting objects to Crunch representations
Transformations of variable and cube views
Translate user facing cube subset to programmatic cube subset
Translate provided index to an index which accounts for hidden categor...
Methods for ShojiTuples
Change Crunch variable types
Split an array or multiple-response variable into its CategoricalVaria...
Revoke a user's access to a dataset
Get the URLs contained in a Catalog or Order object
Extract the email from a User Entity
Get information about users who have access to a dataset
error iff the names are not a dimension in the cube provided
Get and set Categories on Variables
as.* methods for variables
Collection of Variables within a Dataset
Construct a variable definition
Get all variable metadata for a dataset
Organize Variables within a Dataset
Access a catalog of variables
Access the saved versions of a dataset
View a Crunch Object in the Web Application
Dataset weights
Get a dataset's weightVariables
"which" method for CrunchLogicalExpr
Context manager's "with" method
Write CSV to a compressed file
Persist to disk a prepared data.frame and metadata
The service <> provides a cloud-based data store and analytic engine, as well as an intuitive web interface. Using this package, analysts can interact with and manipulate Crunch datasets from within R. Importantly, this allows technical researchers to collaborate naturally with team members, managers, and clients who prefer a point-and-click interface.
Useful links