dimension-comparison function

Column and row comparison

Column and row comparison

Comparing a column or row with a baseline column or row. This calculates the z-score for the cells when comparing x to the baseline columns

compareCols(cube, ...) compareRows(cube, ...) compareDims(cube, dim = c("cols", "rows"), baseline, x)


  • cube: a cube to calculate the comparison on

  • ...: arguments passed from compareRows() or compareCols() to compareDims() (i.e. baseline and x)

  • dim: which dimension is being compared (rows or cols, only valid for compareDims())

  • baseline: a character, the column to use as a baseline to compare x


  • x: a character, the column to compare against the baseline


the z-score for the column or row given in x

  • Maintainer: Greg Freedman Ellis
  • License: LGPL (>= 3)
  • Last published: 2024-01-17