Retrieval Functions for USGS and EPA Hydrology and Water Quality Data
add a water year column
Extract WY from a date
Date Check for Water Quality Portal
Construct NWIS url for data retrieval
Construct URL for NWIS water use data service
Construct WQP url for data retrieval
convert variables in dots to usable format
US County Code Lookup Table
County code look up
Create NWIS data citation
Create WQP data citation
Retrieval functions for USGS and EPA data
Create user agent
R Client for the Network Linked Data Index
Get current NLDI offerings
getting header information from a WQP query
Function to return data from web services
Function to return data from the National Ground Water Monitoring Netw...
Function to return data from the NWIS RDB 1.0 format
Function to return data from the NWISWeb WaterML1.1 service
Parse the WaterML2 timeseries portion of a waterML2 file
Basic Water Quality Portal Data parser
Is this a dataRetrieval user
List of USGS parameter codes
Convert WQP columns to correct types
Parameter code to characteristic name
Data to convert USGS parameter code to characteristic names
Import data from the National Groundwater Monitoring Network.
Retrieve groundwater levels from the National Ground Water Monitoring ...
Retrieve site data from the National Ground Water Monitoring Network.
General Data Import from NWIS
Format and organize NWIS arguments that are passed in as ...
Daily Value USGS NWIS Data Retrieval
Groundwater level measurements retrieval from USGS (NWIS)
Surface-water measurement data retrieval from USGS (NWIS)
USGS Parameter Data Retrieval
Peak flow data from USGS (NWIS)
Rating table for an active USGS streamgage retrieval
USGS Site File Data Retrieval
Site statistics retrieval from USGS (NWIS)
Water use data retrieval from USGS (NWIS)
Instantaneous value data retrieval from USGS (NWIS)
General Data Import from Water Quality Portal
Format and organize WQP arguments that are passed in as ...
Raw Data Import for Water Quality Portal
Summary of Data Available from Water Quality Portal
Set data endpoint
US State Code Lookup Table
State code look up
USGS data availability
Site Data Import from NWIS
Data Available from Water Quality Portal
Get WQP service metadata
Site Data Import from Water Quality Portal
Pad string with leading zeros
Collection of functions to help retrieve U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency water quality and hydrology data from web services. Data are discovered from National Water Information System <> and <>. Water quality data are obtained from the Water Quality Portal <>.
Useful links