HierarchicalBetaCreate function

Create a Mixing Object for a hierarchical Beta Dirichlet process object.

Create a Mixing Object for a hierarchical Beta Dirichlet process object.

HierarchicalBetaCreate( n, priorParameters, hyperPriorParameters, alphaPrior, maxT, gammaPrior, mhStepSize, num_sticks )


  • n: Number of data sets
  • priorParameters: The prior parameters for the top level base distribution.
  • hyperPriorParameters: Hyper prior parameters for the top level base distribution.
  • alphaPrior: Individual level concentration parameter priors.
  • maxT: Bounding value of the data.
  • gammaPrior: Concentration parameter for the top level priors.
  • mhStepSize: Metropolis Hastings step size for the posterior drawing.
  • num_sticks: Number of stick breaking values to use.


A mixing distribution object.