Tools to Analyze the Thermal Reaction Norm of Embryo Growth
Fit a hatching success model to data using maximum likelihood
Return Log Likelihood of a fit generated by tsd
Return -log likelihood of the data and the parameters
Return Log Likelihood of a fit generated by STRN
Calibrate data loggers and correct time series of temperatures
Generate set of parameters for different forms of thermal norm of reac...
Version of database of TSD information for reptiles
Return the derivative of the exponential function
Return the derivative of the Gompertz function
Return the derivative of the linear function
The package embryogrowth
Create a dataset of class Nests to be used with searchR
Generate a data.frame that can be used as hatchling.metric value for s...
Generate a set of anchored parameters
Generate a data.frame with constant incubation temperature and incubat...
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for Embryo Growth Rate Thermal Reaction ...
Generates set of parameters to be used with HatchingSuccess.MHmcmc()
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for hatching success
Return the hatching success according the set of parameters and temper...
Show the histogram of temperatures with set of nests
Show the histogram of temperatures with set of nests
Calculte statistics about nests
Return the derivative of the exponential function
Return the result of the Gompertz function
Return the linear function
Estimate the likelihood of a set of parameters for nest incubation dat...
Return -log L of a fit
Return Log Likelihood of a fit generated by searchR
Analyze movement recorded within a nest with an accelerometer datalogg...
Simulate incubation of a nest with the beginning of incubation varying
Return number of observations of a fit
Return number of observations of a fit
Estimate the transitional range of temperatures based on a set of para...
Show fonction used for transition
Plot results of that best describe hatching succ...
Plot the embryo growth
Plot results of tsd() that best describe temperature-dependent sex det...
Plot the fitted growth rate dependent on temperature and its density
Return prediction based on a model fitted with
Estimate sex ratio according to constant incubation temperature
Version of database of TSD information for reptiles
Fit the parameters that best represent nest incubation data.
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for Sexualisation Thermal Reaction Norm
Estimate the parameters that best describe the sexualisation thermal r...
Summarize the information from a Nests object.
Add a transition parameter on a set of parameters or remove it
Estimate the likelihood of a set of parameters for nest incubation dat...
Generates set of parameters to be used with GRTRN_MHmcmc() or STRN_MHm...
Generates set of parameters to be used with tsd_MHmcmc()
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for Sex ratio
Estimate the parameters that best describe temperature-dependent sex d...
Uncertainty of average temperatures obtained using temperature data lo...
Run a shiny application for basic functions of tsd function
Search for the weights of the nests which maximize the entropy of nest...
Tools to analyze the embryo growth and the sexualisation thermal reaction norms. See <doi:10.7717/peerj.8451> for tsd functions; see <doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2014.08.005> for thermal reaction norm of embryo growth.