Elastic Functional Data Analysis
Curve Boxplot Data
Converts a curve from matrix to functional data object
Converts a warping function from vector to functional data object
Elastic Prediction for functional PCA
Elastic Prediction for functional PCA
Elastic Prediction for functional logistic PCR Model
Elastic Prediction for functional multinomial logistic PCR Model
Elastic Prediction for functional PCR Model
Elastic Prediction for functional PCA
Convert to curve space
SRVF transform of warping functions
SRVF transform of warping functions
SRVF transform of warping functions
Applies a warping function to a given SRVF
Curve Karcher Covariance
Converts a curve to its SRVF representation
Group-wise function alignment and PCA Extractions
Amplitude Boxplot Data
Tolerance Bound Calculation using Bootstrap Sampling
Functional Boxplot
Elastic Shape Distance
Curve Boxplot
Calculates elastic depth for a set of curves
Distance Matrix Computation
Form geodesic between two curves
Karcher Mean of Curves
Pairwise align two curves
Curve PCA
Align Curves
Curve to SRVF Space
Elastic Amplitude Changepoint Detection
Elastic Changepoint Detection
Elastic Phase Changepoint Detection
Calculates elastic depth
Outlier Detection
Calculates two elastic distance
Elastic Logistic Regression
Elastic logistic Principal Component Regression
Elastic Multinomial Logistic Regression
Phase Boxplot Data
Plot Curve
Elastic Multinomial logistic Principal Component Regression
Elastic Linear Principal Component Regression
Elastic Prediction from Regression Models
Elastic Linear Regression
Plot functional data
Elastic Prediction for functional PCA
Transformation to SRVF Space
Elastic Functional Data Analysis
Bayesian Group Warping
Bayesian Karcher Mean Calculation
map warping function to tangent space at identity
map warping function to tangent space at identity
Gaussian model of functional data
Computes the centroid of a curve
Computes the distance matrix between a set of shapes.
Computes the geodesic distance between two SRVFs on the Hilbert sphere
Computes the identity warping function
Computes the distance between two SRVFs
Computes the inner product between two SRVFs
Computes the norm of an SRVF
Computes the distance between two shapes
Computes the distance between two warping functions
Gradient using finite differences
map shooting vector to warping function at identity
Horizontal Functional Principal Component Analysis
map square root of warping function to tangent space
Invert Warping Function
Gaussian model of functional data using joint Model
Align two functions
Joint Vertical and Horizontal Functional Principal Component Analysis
Joint Vertical and Horizontal Functional Principal Component Analysis
K-Means Clustering and Alignment
Long Run Covariance Matrix Estimation for Multivariate Time Series
Group-wise function alignment to specified mean
Karcher Mean of Multivariate Functional Data
Align two functions
Align two functions using geometric properties of warping functions
Align two functions
Pairwise align two images This function aligns to images using the q-m...
Tolerance Bound Calculation using Elastic Functional PCA
Align two curves
Find optimum reparameterization between two images
Resample Curve
Random Warping
Sample shapes from model
Shape Confidence Interval Calculation using Bootstrap Sampling
Smooth Functions
Transformation from SRSF Space
Converts from SRVF to curve representation
Alignment of univariate functional data
Projects an SRVF onto the Hilbert sphere
map shooting vector to warping function at identity
Vertical Functional Principal Component Analysis
Applies a warping function to a given curve
Warp Function
Performs alignment, PCA, and modeling of multidimensional and unidimensional functions using the square-root velocity framework (Srivastava et al., 2011 <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1103.3817> and Tucker et al., 2014 <DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2012.12.001>). This framework allows for elastic analysis of functional data through phase and amplitude separation.