Flexible Parametric Survival and Multi-State Models
Transition probability matrix from a fully-parametric, time-inhomogene...
Transition probability matrix from a fully-parametric, semi-Markov mul...
Probability of each pathway taken through a mixture multi-state model
Predictions from flexible survival models
Probabilities of competing events from a flexsurvmix model
Quantiles of the distribution of the time until reaching a final state...
Generic function to find quantiles of a distribution
Quantiles of time-to-event distributions in a flexsurvmix model
Objects exported from other packages
Simulate times to competing events from a mixture multi-state model
Akaike's information criterion from a flexible parametric multistate m...
Second-order Akaike information criterion
Second-order Akaike information criterion
Forms a tidy data frame for plotting the fit of parametric mixture mul...
Check the fit of Markov flexible parametric multi-state models against...
Aalen-Johansen nonparametric estimates comparable to a fitted flexsurv...
Augment data with information from a flexsurv model object
Natural cubic spline basis
Tidy a standsurv object.
Total length of stay in particular states for a fully-parametric, time...
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for comparison of flexsurvreg mod...
Bootstrap confidence intervals for flexsurv output functions
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplants
Extract model coefficients from fitted flexible survival models
Expected total length of stay in specific states, from a fully-paramet...
Cox-Snell residuals from a parametric survival model
helper function to safely convert a Hessian matrix to covariance matri...
Numerical evaluation of the hessian of a function using numDeriv::hess...
flexsurv: Flexible parametric survival and multi-state models
Flexible parametric mixture models for times to competing events
Flexible parametric regression for time-to-event data
Flexible parametric models for right-truncated, uncensored data define...
Flexible survival regression using the Royston/Parmar spline model.
Constructor for a mixture multi-state model based on flexsurvmix
Construct a multi-state model from a set of parametric survival models
Generalized F distribution (original parameterisation)
Generalized F distribution
Generalized gamma distribution (original parameterisation)
Generalized gamma distribution
Evaluate baseline time-to-event distribution parameters given covariat...
Glance at a flexsurv model object
The Gompertz distribution
Hazard and cumulative hazard functions
Hazard ratio as a function of time from a parametric survival model
Add fitted flexible survival curves to a plot
The log-logistic distribution
Log likelihood from a flexsurvreg model
Mean times to events from a flexsurvmix model
Mean time to final state in a mixture multi-state model
Mean and restricted mean survival functions
Model frame from a flexsurvmix object
Extract original data from flexsurvreg
Cumulative intensity function for parametric multi-state models
Number of observations contributing to a fitted flexible survival mode...
Simulate from the asymptotic normal distribution of parameter estimate...
Transition probabilities from a flexsurvmix model
Transition-specific parameters in a flexible parametric multi-state mo...
Fitted densities for times to events in a flexsurvmix model
Probabilities of final states in a flexible parametric competing risks...
Plot nonparametric estimates of survival from right-truncated data.
Plots of fitted flexible survival models
Plot standardized metrics from a fitted flexsurv model
Calculate residuals for flexible survival models
Restricted mean times to events from a flexsurvmix model
Generic function to find restricted mean survival time for some distri...
Simulate paths through a fully parametric semi-Markov multi-state mode...
Simulate and summarise final outcomes from a flexible parametric multi...
Reformat simulated multi-state data with one row per simulated transit...
Simulate censored time-to-event data from a fitted flexsurvreg model
Marginal survival and hazards of fitted flexsurvreg models
Summaries of fitted flexible survival models
Summarise quantities of interest from fitted flexsurvrtrunc models
Nonparametric estimator of survival from right-truncated, uncensored d...
Royston/Parmar spline survival distribution
Royston/Parmar spline survival distribution functions with one argumen...
Tidy a flexsurv model object
Convert a function with matrix arguments to a function with vector arg...
Variance-covariance matrix from a flexsurvreg model
Weibull distribution in proportional hazards parameterisation
Flexible parametric models for time-to-event data, including the Royston-Parmar spline model, generalized gamma and generalized F distributions. Any user-defined parametric distribution can be fitted, given at least an R function defining the probability density or hazard. There are also tools for fitting and predicting from fully parametric multi-state models, based on either cause-specific hazards or mixture models.
Useful links