batchtools_custom function

Batchtools futures for custom batchtools configuration

Batchtools futures for custom batchtools configuration

batchtools_custom( expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, globals = TRUE, label = NULL, resources = list(), workers = NULL, conf.file = findConfFile(), cluster.functions = NULL, registry = list(), ... )


  • expr: The R expression to be evaluated

  • envir: The environment in which global environment should be located.

  • substitute: Controls whether expr should be substitute():d or not.

  • globals: (optional) a logical, a character vector, a named list, or a Globals object. If TRUE, globals are identified by code inspection based on expr and tweak searching from environment envir. If FALSE, no globals are used. If a character vector, then globals are identified by lookup based their names globals searching from environment envir. If a named list or a Globals object, the globals are used as is.

  • label: (optional) Label of the future (where applicable, becomes the job name for most job schedulers).

  • resources: (optional) A named list passed to the batchtools

    template (available as variable resources). See Section 'Resources' in batchtools::submitJobs() more details.

  • workers: (optional) The maximum number of workers the batchtools backend may use at any time. Interactive and "local" backends can only process one future at the time (workers = 1L), whereas HPC backends, where futures are resolved via separate jobs on a scheduler, can have multiple workers. In the latter, the default is workers = NULL, which will resolve to getOption("future.batchtools.workers"). If neither are specified, then the default is 100.

  • conf.file: (character) A batchtools configuration file as for instance returned by batchtools::findConfFile().

  • cluster.functions: A ClusterFunctions object.

  • registry: (optional) A named list of settings to control the setup of the batchtools registry.

  • ``: Additional arguments passed to BatchtoolsFuture().


An object of class BatchtoolsFuture.


options(error = function(...) { print(traceback()) }) cf <- batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsInteractive(external = TRUE) print(cf) str(cf) plan(batchtools_custom, cluster.functions = cf) print(plan()) print(nbrOfWorkers()) ## Create explicit future f <- future({ cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n") 42L }) print(f) v <- value(f) print(v) options(error = NULL) ## Create explicit future f <- future({ cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n") 42L }) print(f) v <- value(f) print(v) ## Create explicit future f <- future({ cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n") 42L }) v <- value(f) print(v)