print_geostan_fit function

print or plot a fitted geostan model

print or plot a fitted geostan model

Print a summary of model results to the R console, or plot posterior distributions of model parameters.

## S3 method for class 'geostan_fit' print(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.975), digits = 3, pars = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'geostan_fit' plot(x, pars, plotfun = "hist", fill = "steelblue4", ...)


  • x: A fitted model object of class geostan_fit.
  • probs: Argument passed to quantile; which quantiles to calculate and print.
  • digits: number of digits to print
  • pars: parameters to include; a character string (or vector) of parameter names.
  • ...: additional arguments to rstan::plot or rstan::print.stanfit.
  • plotfun: Argument passed to rstan::plot. Options include histograms ("hist"), MCMC traceplots ("trace"), and density plots ("dens"). Diagnostic plots are also available such as Rhat statistics ("rhat"), effective sample size ("ess"), and MCMC autocorrelation ("ac").
  • fill: fill color for histograms and density plots.


The print methods writes text to the console to summarize model results. The plot method resturns a ggplot (from rstan::plot for stanfit objects).


data(georgia) georgia$income <- georgia$income/1e3 fit <- stan_glm(deaths.male ~ offset(log( + log(income), centerx = TRUE, data = georgia, family = poisson(), chains = 2, iter = 600) # for speed only # print and plot results print(fit) plot(fit)
  • Maintainer: Connor Donegan
  • License: GPL (>= 3)
  • Last published: 2024-12-04