Spatial Visualization with ggplot2
Add ggplot2 insets to a map
Quick map plot
Quick map plot
Objects exported from other packages
Register a Google API
Register a Stadia Maps API Key
Convert a tile coordinate to a lon/lat coordinate
Convert a bb specification to a bbox specification
Calculate a zoom given a bounding box
Manage the ggmap file drawer.
Single line segments with rounded ends
Get a CloudMade map.
Get a Google Map.
Grab a map.
Get a Naver Map
Get an OpenStreetMap
Get a Map from Stadia Maps
Get a Stamen Map
Plot an image using ggplot2
Locator for ggplot objects
Defunct ggmap functions
Plot a ggmap object
ggmap Options
Don't use this function, use ggmap.
Create a (ggplot2) raster layer
Convert a leg-structured route to a route-structured route
Convert a lon/lat coordinate to a tile coordinate
Compute a bounding box
Compute map distances using Google
Look up OpenStreetMap scale for a given zoom level.
Print a map
Reverse geocode
Grab a route from Google
Make a ggplot2 inset theme.
Make a blank ggplot2 theme.
Grab a trek from Google
A collection of functions to visualize spatial data and models on top of static maps from various online sources (e.g Google Maps and Stamen Maps). It includes tools common to those tasks, including functions for geolocation and routing.