Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
Generate a random Sheet name
Produce scopes specific to the Sheets API
Produce configured token
Get info on current user
Pipe operator
Specify cells
googlesheets4 configuration
googlesheets4: Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
Internal vctrs methods
Authorize googlesheets4
Edit and view auth configuration
Visit a Sheet in a web browser
Create a new Sheet
Suspend authorization
List Sheets endpoints
Example Sheets
Find Google Sheets
Create useful spreadsheet filler
Class for Google Sheets formulas
Get Sheet metadata
Is there a token on hand?
Get currently configured OAuth app (deprecated)
Auto-fit columns or rows to the data
Delete cells
Flood or clear a range of cells
Read a Sheet into a data frame
Read cells from a Sheet
Read Sheet as CSV
(Over)write new data into a range
Generate a Google Sheets API request
Make a Google Sheets API request
Add one or more (work)sheets
Append rows to a sheet
Copy a (work)sheet
Delete one or more (work)sheets
Get data about (work)sheets
Relocate one or more (work)sheets
Rename a (work)sheet
Change the size of a (work)sheet
(Over)write new data into a Sheet
Spread a data frame of cells into spreadsheet shape
Interact with Google Sheets through the Sheets API v4 <>. "API" is an acronym for "application programming interface"; the Sheets API allows users to interact with Google Sheets programmatically, instead of via a web browser. The "v4" refers to the fact that the Sheets API is currently at version 4. This package can read and write both the metadata and the cell data in a Sheet.
Useful links