Gibbs Sea Water Functions
Derivatives of Conservative Temperature with Respect to or at Constant...
Reshape list elements to match that of the first element
Adiabatic Lapse Rate
Adiabatic Lapse Rate of Ice
Thermal expansion coefficient over haline contraction coefficient
Thermal expansion coefficient with respect to in-situ temperature
Ice Thermal Expansion Coefficient with Respect to in-situ Temperature
Thermal expansion coefficient with respect to Conservative Temperature
Haline contraction coefficient at constant in-situ temperature
Haline contraction coefficient at constant Conservative Temperature
Electrical Conductivity from Practical Salinity
Cabbeling coefficient
Chemical Potential of Ice
Chemical Potential of Water in Seawater
Specific heat to ice
Isobaric heat capacity
First Derivatives of Conservative Temperature
First Derivatives of Conservative Temperature for Freezing Water (Poly...
First Derivatives of Conservative Temperature for Freezing Water
Conservative Temperature Freezing Point (Polynomial version)
Conservative Temperature of Freezing Seawater
Conservative Temperature from Enthalpy
Conservative Temperature from Entropy
Conservative Temperature from Potential Temperature
Conservative Temperature from Density, Absolute Salinity and Pressure
Convert from temperature to conservative temperature
Conservative Temperature at Maximum Density
Second Derivatives of Conservative Temperature
Absolute Salinity Anomaly from Practical Salinity
Dilution coefficient
Dynamic enthalpy of seawater (75-term equation)
Seawater Specific Enthalpy in terms of Conservative Temperature
Specific Enthalpy Difference with Pressure
First Derivatives of Enthalpy wrt CT
First Derivatives of Enthalpy
Ice Specific Enthalpy
Second Derivatives of Enthalpy (exact)
Second Derivatives of Enthalpy
Seawater Specific Enthalpy in terms of in-situ Temperature
Specific enthalpy of seawater (75-term equation)
First Derivatives of Entropy
Specific Entropy ito Absolute Salinity and Potential Temperature
Specific Entropy i.t.o. Absolute Salinity, Temperature, and Pressure
Entropy of ice
Second Derivatives of Entropy
Ratio of Absolute to Preformed Salinity, minus 1
Properties of Frazil ice i.t.o. potential enthalpy (polynomial version...
Properties of Frazil ice i.t.o. potential enthalpy
Properties of Frazil ice
Ratios of SA, CT and p changes when Frazil Ice Forms (polynomial form)
Ratios of SA, CT and p changes when Frazil Ice Forms
Geostrophic Dynamic Height Anomaly (provisional version)
Geostrophic Dynamic Height Anomaly (Piecewise-Constant Profile)
Geostrophic Dynamic Height Anomaly
Gibbs Energy of Ice, and its Derivatives
Gibbs Energy of Seawater, and its Derivatives
Gravitational Acceleration
Helmholtz Energy of Ice
Ice Fraction to Cool Seawater to Freezing
Determine whether a point is inside the 'funnel' of acceptable values
Specific Internal Energy of Ice (75-term equation)
Specific Internal Energy of Seawater (75-term equation)
Ratio of vert. gradient of pot. density to vert grad of locally-refere...
Isothermal Compressibility of Ice
Isentropic Compressibility of Ice
Isentropic compressibility of seawater (exact)
Isentropic Compressibility of Seawater (75-term equation)
Latent heat of evaporation
Latent heat of evaporation
Latent Heat of Melting
Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in near-freezing Seawater (Polyn...
Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in near-freezing Seawater
Calculate properties related to ice melting in seawater
Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in Seawater (Polynomial version)
Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in Seawater
Calculate properties related to seaice melting in seawater
Calculate Brunt Vaisala Frequency squared
Oxygen Solubility in Seawater (UNESCO variables)
Oxygen Solubility in Seawater (GSW variables)
Pressure from height (75-term equation)
Potential Enthalpy of Ice (Polynomial version)
Potential Enthalpy of Ice
First Derivatives of Potential Enthalpy (Polynomial version)
First Derivatives of Potential Enthalpy
Potential Enthalpy of Ice at Freezing Point (Polynomial version)
Potential Enthalpy of Ice at Freezing Point
Potential density
Pressure Coefficient for Ice
Pressure at which Seawater Freezes
First Derivatives of Potential Temperature
Potential temperature from Conservative Temperature
Potential Temperature from Entropy
Potential Temperature from Potential Enthalpy of Ice (Polynomial versi...
Potential Temperature from Potential Enthalpy of Ice
Potential Temperature of Ice from in-situ Temperature
Potential Temperature from in-situ Temperature
Second Derivatives of Potential Temperature
Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing Conservative Temperature
Potential Temperature of Ice Referenced to the Surface
Potential temperature referenced to the surface
In-situ density, thermal expansion coefficient and haline contraction ...
Density First Derivatives wrt enthalpy (75-term equation)
Density First Derivatives wrt SA, CT and p (75-term equation)
In-situ density of ice
Second Derivatives of Density wrt Enthalpy
Second Derivatives of Density
In-situ Density of Seawater
In-situ density
Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing Point (Polynomial version)
Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing in-situ Temperature (Polynomial ...
Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing in-situ Temperature
Compute Absolute Salinity from Density, etc
Convert from Practical Salinity to Absolute Salinity (Baltic)
Convert from Practical Salinity to Absolute Salinity
Absolute Salinity from Preformed Salinity
Absolute Salinity Anomaly Ratio
Sea ice Fraction to Cool Seawater to Freezing
Potential density anomaly referenced to 0 dbar
Potential density anomaly referenced to 1000 dbar
Potential density anomaly referenced to 2000 dbar
Potential density anomaly referenced to 3000 dbar
Potential density anomaly referenced to 4000 dbar
Sound speed in ice
Sound Speed in Seawater
Sound speed
Convert from Electrical Conductivity to Practical Salinity
Convert from Absolute Salinity to Practical Salinity
Calculate Practical Salinity from Knudsen Salinity
Calculate Practical Salinity from Reference Salinity
Practical Salinity from Preformed Salinity
Practical Salinity from Salinometer Reading
Specific Volume, alpha, and beta
Specific volume anomaly [standard] (75-term equation)
First Derivatives of Specific Volume wrt Enthalpy
First Derivatives of Specific Volume
Specific Volume of Ice
Second Derivatives of Specific Volume wrt Enthalpy
Second Derivatives of Specific Volume
Specific Volume of Seawater
Specific Volume of Seawater
Seawater Spiciness at p=0 dbar
Seawater Spiciness at p=1000 dbar
Seawater Spiciness at p=2000 dbar
Calculate Reference Salinity from Practical Salinity
Convert from Absolute Salinity to Preformed Salinity
Convert from Practical Salinity to Preformed Salinity
Derivative of Chemical Potential of Water in Seawater wrt Temperature
Derivatives of Freezing Water Properties (Polynomial version)
Derivatives of Freezing Water Properties
Freezing Temperature of Seawater
In situ temperature from Conservative Temperature
In situ Temperature from Potential Temperature at 0dbar
Thermobaric coefficient (75-term equation)
Turner Angle and Density Ratio
Height from Pressure
R implementation of Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater - 2010 (TEOS-10...
Provides an interface to the Gibbs 'SeaWater' ('TEOS-10') C library, version 3.06-16-0 (commit '657216dd4f5ea079b5f0e021a4163e2d26893371', dated 2022-10-11, available at <>, which stems from 'Matlab' and other code written by members of Working Group 127 of 'SCOR'/'IAPSO' (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research / International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans).