Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
Add CI Column
Add CI Column
Add differences
Add differences between groups
Add differences between groups
Add model statistics
Add the global p-values
Add N to regression table
Add column with N
Add column with N
Add N
Add event N
Add event N
ARD add overall column
Add overall column
Add p-values
Add p-values
Add p-value
Add p-values
Add p-value
Add p-values
Add multiple comparison adjustment
Add significance stars
Add statistic labels
Add a custom statistic
Add Variance Inflation Factor
Convert gtsummary object to a flextable object
Convert gtsummary object to gt
Convert gtsummary object to a huxtable object
Convert gtsummary object to a kableExtra object
Convert gtsummary object to a kable object
Convert gtsummary object to a tibble
Assign Default Digits
Assign Default Summary Type
Assign Test
Bold or Italicize
Bold significant p-values
Continuous Summary Table Bridges
Hierarchy table bridge
Summary table bridge
Wide summary table bridge
Combine terms
Summarize a continuous variable
Custom tidiers
Default Statistics Labels
Column "ci"
Deprecated functions
Function uses table_body
to create a gtsummary object
Convert Named List to Table Body
Object Convert Helper
Extract ARDs
Default glance function
Global p-value generic
gtsummary: Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
Report statistics from summary tables inline
Report statistics from gtsummary tables inline
Report statistics from summary tables inline
Report statistics from cross table inline
Report statistics from regression summary tables inline
Report statistics from summary tables inline
Report statistics from survfit tables inline
Report statistics from regression summary tables inline
Is a date/time
Special Character Escape
Style Functions
Modify table caption
Modify column alignment
Modify hidden columns
Modify column indentation
Modify Column Merging
Modify formatting functions
Modify source note
Modify Table Body
Modify Table Styling
Modify column headers, footnotes, and spanning headers
Plot Regression Coefficients
print and knit_print methods for gtsummary objects
Summarize a proportion
Summarize the ratio of two variables
Objects exported from other packages
Remove rows
Scoping for Table Body and Header
Select helper functions
Create footnotes for individual p-values
Set gtsummary theme
Sort/filter by p-values
Style numbers
Style percentages
Style p-values
Style ratios
Style significant figure-like rounding
Syntax and Notation
Summarize continuous variable
ARD Hierarchical Table
ARD summary table
Wide ARD summary table
Butcher table
Summarize continuous variable
Cross table
Create a table of summary statistics using a custom summary function
Hierarchical Table
Likert Summary
Merge tables
Methods for tbl_regression
Regression model summary
Split gtsummary table
Stack tables
Stratified gtsummary tables
Summary table
Common Sources of Error with tbl_survfit()
Survival table
Create a table of summary statistics from a survey object
Univariable regression model summary
Wide summary table
Tests/methods available in add_p()
and add_difference()
Available gtsummary themes
Print tibble with cli
Convert character vector to data frame
Creates presentation-ready tables summarizing data sets, regression models, and more. The code to create the tables is concise and highly customizable. Data frames can be summarized with any function, e.g. mean(), median(), even user-written functions. Regression models are summarized and include the reference rows for categorical variables. Common regression models, such as logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards regression, are automatically identified and the tables are pre-filled with appropriate column headers.
Useful links