Provides Access to the OpenAI Gym API
Create a GymClient instance.
Evaluate whether an action is a member of an environments's action spa...
Get information (name and dimensions/bounds) of the environments's act...
Sample an action from the environments's action space.
Flush all monitor data to disk.
Create an instance of the specified environment.
List all environments running on the server.
Flush all monitor data to disk.
Start monitoring.
Get information (name and dimensions/bounds) of the environment's obse...
Reset the state of the environment and return an initial observation.
Step though an environment using an action.
Submit a GET request to an OpenAI Gym server.
gym: Provides Access to the OpenAI Gym API
Parse the server error or raise for status.
Submit a POST request to an OpenAI Gym server.
Represent a GymClient instance on the command line.
A sample random discrete agent.
Request a server shutdown.
Flush all monitor data to disk.
OpenAI Gym is a open-source Python toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. This is a wrapper for the OpenAI Gym API, and enables access to an ever-growing variety of environments. For more details on OpenAI Gym, please see here: <>. For more details on the OpenAI Gym API specification, please see here: <>.