print_coef function

Printing coefficients from S3 objects rlassoEffects

Printing coefficients from S3 objects rlassoEffects

Printing coefficients for class rlassoEffects

print_coef(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'rlassoEffects' print_coef( x, complete = TRUE, selection.matrix = FALSE, include.targets = TRUE, ... )


  • x: an object of class rlassoEffects, usually a result of a call rlassoEffect or rlassoEffects.
  • ...: further arguments passed to functions coef or print.
  • complete: general option of the function coef.
  • selection.matrix: if TRUE, a selection matrix is returned that indicates the selected variables from each auxiliary regression. Default is set to FALSE.
  • include.targets: if FALSE (by default) only the selected control variables are listed in the selection.matrix. If set to TRUE, the selection matrix will also indicate the selection of the target coefficients that are specified in the rlassoEffects call.


Printing coefficients and selection matrix for S3 object rlassoEffects


library(hdm) set.seed(1) n = 100 #sample size p = 100 # number of variables s = 7 # number of non-zero variables X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p) colnames(X) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="") beta = c(rep(3,s), rep(0,p-s)) y = 1 + X%*%beta + rnorm(n) data = data.frame(cbind(y,X)) colnames(data)[1] <- "y" lasso.effect = rlassoEffects(X, y, index=c(1,2,3,50), method = "double selection") # without target coefficient estimates print_coef(lasso.effect, selection.matrix = TRUE) # with target coefficient estimates print_coef(lasso.effect, selection.matrix = TRUE, targets = TRUE)
  • Maintainer: Martin Spindler
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2024-02-14

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