get_fit(x)## S3 method for class 'incidence_fit'get_fit(x)## S3 method for class 'incidence_fit_list'get_fit(x)get_info(x, what ="r",...)## S3 method for class 'incidence_fit'get_info(x, what ="r",...)## S3 method for class 'incidence_fit_list'get_info(x, what ="r", groups =NULL, na.rm =TRUE,...)
x: an incidence_fit or incidence_fit_list
what: the name of the item in the "info" element of the incidence_fit
...: currently unused.
groups: if what = "pred" and x is an incidence_fit_list object, then this indicates what part of the nesting hierarchy becomes the column named "groups". Defaults to NULL, indicating that no groups column will be added/modified.
na.rm: when TRUE (default), missing values will be excluded from the results.
a list of incidence_fit objects.
if(require(outbreaks)){ withAutoprint({ dat <- ebola_sim$linelist$date_of_onset
## EXAMPLE WITH A SINGLE MODEL## compute weekly incidence sex <- ebola_sim$linelist$gender <- incidence(dat, interval =7, group = sex)## Compute the optimal split for each group separately fits <- fit_optim_split(, separate_split =TRUE)## `fits` contains an `incidence_fit_list` object fits$fit
## Grab the list of `incidence_fit` objects get_fit(fits$fit)## Get the predictions for all groups get_info(fits$fit,"pred", groups =1)## Get the predictions, but set `groups` to "before" and "after" get_info(fits$fit,"pred", groups =2)## Get the reproduction number get_info(fits$fit,"r")## Get the doubling confidence interval get_info(fits$fit,"doubling.conf")## Get the halving confidence interval get_info(fits$fit,"halving.conf")})}