logistic_regression( data =NULL, formula =NULL, formula_1 =NULL, formula_2 =NULL, z_values_keep =FALSE, constant_row_clean =TRUE, odds_ratio_cols_combine =TRUE, round_b_and_se =3, round_z =3, round_p =3, round_odds_ratio =3, round_r_sq =3, round_model_chi_sq =3, pretty_round_p_value =TRUE, print_glm_default_summary =FALSE, print_summary_dt_list =TRUE, print_model_comparison =TRUE, output_type ="summary_dt_list")
data: a data object (a data frame or a data.table)
formula: formula for estimating a single logistic regression model
formula_1: formula for estimating logistic regression model 1 of 2
formula_2: formula for estimating logistic regression model 2 of 2
z_values_keep: logical. Should the z values be kept in the table? (default = FALSE)
constant_row_clean: logical. Should the row for the constant be cleared except for b and standard error of b? (default = TRUE)
odds_ratio_cols_combine: logical. Should the odds ratio columns be combined? (default = TRUE)
round_b_and_se: number of decimal places to which to round b and standard error of b (default = 3)
round_z: number of decimal places to which to round z values (default = 3)
round_p: number of decimal places to which to round p-values (default = 3)
round_odds_ratio: number of decimal places to which to round odds ratios (default = 3)
round_r_sq: number of decimal places to which to round R-squared values (default = 3)
round_model_chi_sq: number of decimal places to which to round model chi-squared values (default = 3)
pretty_round_p_value: logical. Should the p-values be rounded in a pretty format (i.e., lower threshold: "<.001"). By default, pretty_round_p_value = TRUE.
print_glm_default_summary: logical. Should the default summary output of the glm objects be printed? (default = FALSE)
print_summary_dt_list: logical. Should the summaries of logistic regressions in a data table format be printed? (default = TRUE)
print_model_comparison: logical. Should the comparison of two logistic regression models be printed? (default = TRUE)
output_type: If output_type = "summary_dt_list" (default), the output of the function will be summaries of the two logistic regressions in a data.table format. If output_type = "glm_object_list", the output of the function will be the two glm objects estimating logistic regression models. If output_type = "glm_default_summary_list", the output of the function will be the R's default summary
output for the two glm objects estimating logistic regression models. If output_type = "model_comparison_stats", the output of the function will be statistics from comparison of the two logistic regression models. If output_type = "all", the output of the function will be a list of the aforementioned outputs.
the output will be a summary of logistic regression results, unless set otherwise by the output_type argument to the function.
logistic_regression(data = mtcars, formula = am ~ mpg)logistic_regression(data = mtcars,formula_1 = am ~ mpg,formula_2 = am ~ mpg + wt)