A Toolkit for Behavioral Scientists
Akaike Weights
Assign function parameters as values
Barplot for counts
Binomial test
Draw a bracket on a ggplot
Capitalize a substring
Change variable names in a data set
Check modes of objects
Check for required packages
Chi-squared test, pairwise
Chi-squared test
Confidence Interval of the Mean of a Vector
Clean data from Qualtrics
Coefficient of variation
Calculate Cohen's d as illustrated by Borenstein et al. (2009, ISBN: 9...
Calculate Cohen's d to accompany a one-sample t-test
Cohen's d from Jacob Cohen's textbook (1988)
Cohen's d as a function of sample size
Convert Cohen's d to r
Calculate Cohen's d and its confidence interval using the package 'eff...
Calculate Cohen's d and its confidence interval using the package 'psy...
Combine data across columns
Convert a comma-separated string of numbers
Compare data sets
Compare dependent correlations
Compare effect sizes
Compare groups
Compare independent correlations
Contingency table
Convert columns to numeric
Convert character to Excel formula
Estimate the correlation between two variables
correlation matrix
Cumulative percentage plot
Descriptive statistics by group
Descriptive statistics
Detach all user-installed packages
Duplicated values in a vector
Excel formula, convert (to)
Exit from a Parent Function
Factorial ANOVA 2-Way (Two-Way Factorial ANOVA)
Find duplicated values in a vector
Fisher's Z transformation
Floodlight 2 by Continuous for a Logistic Regression
Floodlight 2 by Continuous for a Multilevel Logistic Regression
Floodlight 2 by Continuous
Floodlight Analyses for a Set of Contrasts
Floodlight Multicategorical by Continuous
Forest plot
Geometric mean
ggsave quick
Histogram by group
Histogram from hist function
Histogram with outlier bins
Holm-adjusted p-values
ID across datasets
Check whether all inputs are identical
Install all dependencies for all functions
lenu: Length of unique values
Levene's test
Convert log odds ratio to Cohen's d
Log odds ratio
Logistic regression with an interaction term
Logistic regression table
Logistic regression
Loglinear analysis
Remove outliers using the MAD method
Mann-Whitney U Test (Also called Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test)
Prepare a two-column data.table that will be used to fill values in a ...
Mean center
Mediation analysis
Merge a list of data tables
Merge data tables
Mixed ANOVA 2-Way (Two-Way Mixed ANOVA)
Find modes of objects
Multiple regression
Find noncentrality parameter
Odds ratio
Order rows specifically in a data table
Find the overlapping interval of two ranges.
Packages - List the default packages
Parallel analysis
Percentile rank
Pivot Table
Plot group means
Paste for message
Population variance of a vector
Prepare package(s) for use
Pretty round p-value
Pretty round r
print loop progress
Proportion of given values in a vector
Q statistic for testing homogeneity of correlations
Read a csv file
Read the sole csv file in the working directory
Regular expression matches
Find relative position of a value in a vector
Find relative value of a position in a vector
Remove from a vector
Remove all user installed packages
Repeated-Measures ANVOA
Replace values in a data table
Robust regression (bootstrapped regression)
Round flexibly
Score scale items
Standard error of the mean
Standard Error (SE) of a percentage
Standard Error (SE) of a proportion
Set up R environment
Set working directory to active document in RStudio
Simple Effects Analysis
Simple slopes analysis with logistic regression analyses
Simple slopes analysis
Spotlight 2 by Continuous
Standardized Regression
Start kim
su: Sorted unique values
t-tests, pairwise
Tabulate vector
Tau-squared (between-studies variance for meta analysis)
Theme Kim
Top, median, or bottom
Tabulate vector
Two-Way Factorial ANOVA
Undocumented functions
Unload all user-installed packages
Update the package 'kim'
Convert variance of log odds ratio to variance of d
Variance of a percentage
Variance of a proportion
Estimate the mean effect size in a meta analysis
Weighted mean correlation
Weighted z
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test (Also called the Mann-Whitney U Test)
Write to a csv file
z score
Z to r transformation (Inverse of Fisher's Z transformation)
A collection of functions for analyzing data typically collected or used by behavioral scientists. Examples of the functions include a function that compares groups in a factorial experimental design, a function that conducts two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and a function that cleans a data set generated by Qualtrics surveys. Some of the functions will require installing additional package(s). Such packages and other references are cited within the section describing the relevant functions. Many functions in this package rely heavily on these two popular R packages: Dowle et al. (2021) <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=data.table>. Wickham et al. (2021) <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggplot2>.
Useful links