Pedigree Functions
Generate plotting information for a pedigree
data.frame from a pedigree object
Align a pedigree to print well
Calculate pedigree bitsize, defined as 2 * # NonFounders - # Founders
Error check for a family classification
Find a single person to trim from a pedigree whose is available
Find subjects from a pedigree who are available and uninformative
Find or trim unavailable subjects in a pedigree
Fix details on the parents for children of the pedigree
Create an IBD matrix
Compute the depth of each subject in a pedigree
Compute a kinship matrix
The kinship2 package for pedigree data
Legend Pedigree Plot
Construct a family id from pedigree information
Create a sparse kinship matrix
plot a legend for a pedigree
Create a pedigree or pedigreeList object
Shrink pedigree object
Determine set of maximum number of unrelated available subjects from a...
plot pedigrees
plot pedigree.shrink object that is a shrunk pedigree object
Two example pedigrees
Routines to handle family data with a pedigree object. The initial purpose was to create correlation structures that describe family relationships such as kinship and identity-by-descent, which can be used to model family data in mixed effects models, such as in the coxme function. Also includes a tool for pedigree drawing which is focused on producing compact layouts without intervention. Recent additions include utilities to trim the pedigree object with various criteria, and kinship for the X chromosome.