Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library
Visual Testing scripts for vistest
Add Awesome Markers
Add a Graticule on the map see [
Add UI controls to switch layers on and off
Add a color legend to a map
Add additional panes to leaflet map to control layer order
Add a measure control to the map.
Add a minimap to the Map [](...
Add a tile layer from a known map provider
Add a raster image as a layer
Add a color legend for a SpatRaster to a map
Add or remove a scale bar
Add a simple Graticule on the map see [
Add a daylight layer on top of the map
Make awesome-icon set
Create a list of awesome icon data see [
Color mapping
Legacy functions
Given a data object and lng/lat arguments (which may be NULL [meaning ...
Given a data object and lng/lat arguments (which may be NULL [meaning ...
Extension points for plugins
Create an easyButton statestate
Evaluate list members that are formulae, using the map data as the env...
Notifies the map of new latitude/longitude of items of interest on the...
Same as expandLimits, but takes a polygon (that presumably has a bbox ...
remove NULL elements from a list
returns the map's data
Set options on layer groups
Make icon set
Create a list of icon data
Objects imported from other packages
leaflet: Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Lib...
Create a Leaflet map widget
Various leaflet dependency functions for use in downstream packages
Send commands to a Leaflet instance in a Shiny app
Leaflet sizing policy
Make Awesome Icon
Define icon sets
Graphics elements and layers
Methods to manipulate the map widget
Extra options for map elements and layers
Wrapper functions for using leaflet
in shiny
Set options on a leaflet map object
Color previewing utility
Remove elements from a map
Sanitize textual labels
Show or hide layer groups
Utility function to check if a coordinates is valid
Create and customize interactive maps using the 'Leaflet' JavaScript library and the 'htmlwidgets' package. These maps can be used directly from the R console, from 'RStudio', in Shiny applications and R Markdown documents.
Useful links