Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models
ANOVA Tables for Linear Mixed Models
Coerce ls_means
Objects to data.frame
Coerce lmerMod Objects to lmerModLmerTest
Determine the Containment Structure for All Terms in a Model
Test of Contrasts
Generic Contrast Test Functions
Contrast Tests in 1D
Multiple Degrees-of-Freedom Contrast Tests
Compute Deviance of an LMM as a Function of Variance Parameters
Doolittle Decomposition
Drop Marginal Terms from Model
Ensure a Design Matrix has Full (Column) Rank
Type I ANOVA table contrasts
Contrasts for Type III Tests
Compute cov(beta) as a Function of varpar of an LMM
Compute denominator df for F-test
Extract Model from an Object
Extract or remake model matrix from model
Compute the 'Full' Rank-Deficient Design Matrix
Estimability of Contrasts
Methods for Legacy lmerTest Objects
Fit Linear Mixed-Effects Models
Represent Linear Mixed-Effects Models
lmerTest: Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models
LS-means for lmerTest Model Fits
LS-means Generic Function
Legacy lmerTest representation of Linear Mixed-Effects Models
Bar Plots of LS-Means
Plot LS-means for Backward Reduced Model
Compute Quadratic Form
ANOVA-Like Table for Random-Effects
Multiple Objects
Remove Terms from Formula
Show Hypothesis Tests in ANOVA Tables
Show LS-means Hypothesis Tests and Contrasts
Show Tests Generic Function and Default Method
ANOVA Tables for Linear Mixed Models
Backward Elimination for Linear Mixed Models
Generic Step Function
Summary Method for Linear Mixed Models
Determine which Terms Contain a Term
Provides p-values in type I, II or III anova and summary tables for lmer model fits (cf. lme4) via Satterthwaite's degrees of freedom method. A Kenward-Roger method is also available via the pbkrtest package. Model selection methods include step, drop1 and anova-like tables for random effects (ranova). Methods for Least-Square means (LS-means) and tests of linear contrasts of fixed effects are also available.