An R Interface to 'Mapbox GL JS'
Add a circle layer to the map
Add a standard control to the map
Add a draw control to the map (experimental)
Add a fill layer to the map
Add a filter control to the map
Add a layer to the map
Add a line layer to the map
Add a single marker to the map
Add a mouse position control to the map
Add popups to a layer
Add a Mapbox source to the map
Add a text control to the map
Add tooltips to a layer
Convert a data object to a Mapbox GeoJSON source
Create a background style
Create a raster style
Fit the map to a bounding box
Create a Mapbox source
Shiny bindings for mapboxer
Create a mapboxer widget
Create a mapboxer proxy object
Objects exported from other packages
Update the data of a Mapbox source
Set the filter of a layer
Update layer properties
Set the style of the map
Set the view state of the map
Get Stamen raster tile URLs
Update a mapboxer proxy object in a Shiny app
Makes 'Mapbox GL JS' <>, an open source JavaScript library that uses WebGL to render interactive maps, available within R via the 'htmlwidgets' package. Visualizations can be used from the R console, in R Markdown documents and in Shiny apps.
Useful links