Shiny bindings for mapboxer
Output and render functions for using mapboxer within Shiny applications and interactive Rmd documents.
mapboxerOutput(outputId, width = "100%", height = "400px") renderMapboxer(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE)
: output variable to read fromwidth, height
: Must be a valid CSS unit (like '100%'
, '400px'
, 'auto'
) or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have 'px'
: An expression that generates a mapboxerenv
: The environment in which to evaluate expr
: Is expr
a quoted expression (with quote()
)? This is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable.library(shiny) library(mapboxer) LAYER_ID <- "mvc" view <- basicPage( h1("mapboxer"), sliderInput( "slider", "Number of persons injured", min = 0, max = max(motor_vehicle_collisions_nyc$injured), step = 1, value = 0 ), checkboxInput("hide", "Hide layer"), mapboxerOutput("map"), htmlOutput("datetime") ) server <- function(input, output) { output$map <- renderMapboxer({ as_mapbox_source(motor_vehicle_collisions_nyc) %>% mapboxer( center = c(-73.9165, 40.7114), zoom = 10, style = basemap_raster_style(stamen_raster_tiles()) ) %>% add_circle_layer( circle_color = "black", popup = "Number of persons injured {{injured}}", id = LAYER_ID ) %>% add_mouse_position_control( "Lng: {{lng}}</br>Lat: {{lat}}", css_text = "text-align: left; width: 180px;" ) %>% add_navigation_control(pos = "top-left") }) observeEvent(input$slider, { mapboxer_proxy("map") %>% set_filter(LAYER_ID, list("==", "injured", input$slider)) %>% update_mapboxer() }) observeEvent(input$hide, { mapboxer_proxy("map") %>% set_layout_property(LAYER_ID, "visibility", !input$hide) %>% update_mapboxer() }) output$datetime <- renderText({ props <- input$map_onclick$props sprintf("<p>%s %s</p>", props$date, props$time) }) } if (interactive()) shinyApp(view, server)
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