Create a Mini Version of CRAN Containing Only Selected Packages
Returns TRUE if the p3m URL can be accessed.
List pre-built packages in a directory based on file extension
Create dependency graph from available packages.
Deprecated function to download packages to local folder.
Downloads packages from CRAN to specified path and creates a local rep...
Reads available packages from CRAN repository.
Retrieves package dependencies.
Add local packages to a miniCRAN repository.
Add old package versions to a miniCRAN repository.
Add packages to a miniCRAN repository.
Add DESCRIPTION information from package on github.
Returns names of base packages.
Check for previous versions of packages in a miniCRAN repository.
Obtains DESCRIPTION metadata from CRAN for each package.
Plots a package dependency graph.
Get the path to the repo directory containing the package files.
Get a two-digit version of the R version
Check for available package updates in a miniCRAN repo.
Makes it possible to create an internally consistent repository consisting of selected packages from CRAN-like repositories. The user specifies a set of desired packages, and 'miniCRAN' recursively reads the dependency tree for these packages, then downloads only this subset. The user can then install packages from this repository directly, rather than from CRAN. This is useful in production settings, e.g. server behind a firewall, or remote locations with slow (or zero) Internet access.