Create 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League Baseball Logos
Standardize MLB Team Abbreviations
Theme Elements for Image Grobs
ggplot2 Layer for Visualizing MLB Team Cap Logos
ggplot2 Layer for Visualizing Images from URLs or Local Paths
ggplot2 Layer for Horizontal and Vertical Reference Lines
ggplot2 Layer for Visualizing MLB Player Headshots
ggplot2 Layer for Visualizing MLB Team Logos
Preview ggplot in Specified Dimensions
Render Player Headshots in 'gt' Tables
Merge and stack text from two columns in gt
and color one with team ...
Add MLB team logos into rows of a gt
Replace Team Abbreviations/Player IDs With Images In Column Labels
Output MLB Team Abbreviations
Load MLB Team Colors, and Logos
Create MLB Player Tiers
Create Ordered MLB Team Factor
Create MLB Team Tiers
mlbplotR: Create 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League Baseball...
Axis Scales for MLB Team Logos
Scales for MLB Team Colors
Theme for MLB Team Logos
Output Valid MLB Team Abbreviations
Tools to help visualize Major League Baseball analysis in 'ggplot2' and 'gt'. You provide team/player information and 'mlbplotR' will transform that information into team colors, logos, or player headshots for graphics.
Useful links