The S3 method for list expects argument x to be a list of Prediction objects and all other relevant objects (Task , Learner s, and instantiated Resampling ) must be provided, too. A more flexible way to manually create a ResampleResult is implemented in as_result_data().
as_resample_result(x,...)## S3 method for class 'ResampleResult'as_resample_result(x,...)## S3 method for class 'ResultData'as_resample_result(x, view =NULL,...)## S3 method for class 'list'as_resample_result(x, task, learners, resampling, store_backends =TRUE,...)
x: (any)
Object to convert.
...: (any)
Currently not used.
view: (character())
See construction argument view of ResampleResult.
task: (Task ).
learners: (list of trained Learner s).
resampling: (Resampling ).
store_backends: (logical(1))
If set to FALSE, the backends of the Task s provided in data are removed.