as_result_data function

Convert to ResultData

Convert to ResultData

This function allows to construct or convert to a ResultData object, the result container used by ResampleResult and BenchmarkResult . A ResampleResult or BenchmarkResult can be initialized with the returned object. Note that ResampleResult s can be converted to a BenchmarkResult with as_benchmark_result()

and multiple BenchmarkResult s can be combined to a larger BenchmarkResult with the $combine() method of BenchmarkResult .

as_result_data( task, learners, resampling, iterations, predictions, learner_states = NULL, data_extra = NULL, store_backends = TRUE )


  • task: (Task ).

  • learners: (list of trained Learner s).

  • resampling: (Resampling ).

  • iterations: (integer()).

  • predictions: (list of list of Prediction s).

  • learner_states: (list())

    Learner states. If not provided, the states of learners are automatically extracted.

  • data_extra: (list())

    Additional data for each iteration.

  • store_backends: (logical(1))

    If set to FALSE, the backends of the Task s provided in data are removed.


ResultData object which can be passed to the constructor of ResampleResult .


task = tsk("penguins") learner = lrn("classif.rpart") resampling = rsmp("cv", folds = 2)$instantiate(task) iterations = seq_len(resampling$iters) # manually train two learners. # store learners and predictions learners = list() predictions = list() for (i in iterations) { l = learner$clone(deep = TRUE) learners[[i]] = l$train(task, row_ids = resampling$train_set(i)) predictions[[i]] = list(test = l$predict(task, row_ids = resampling$test_set(i))) } rdata = as_result_data(task, learners, resampling, iterations, predictions) ResampleResult$new(rdata)