Functions to retrieve objects, set hyperparameters and assign to fields in one go. Relies on mlr3misc::dictionary_sugar_get() to extract objects from the respective mlr3misc::Dictionary :
tsk() for a Task from mlr_tasks .
tsks() for a list of Task s from mlr_tasks .
tgen() for a TaskGenerator from mlr_task_generators .
tgens() for a list of TaskGenerator s from mlr_task_generators .
lrn() for a Learner from mlr_learners .
lrns() for a list of Learner s from mlr_learners .
rsmp() for a Resampling from mlr_resamplings .
rsmps() for a list of Resampling s from mlr_resamplings .
msr() for a Measure from mlr_measures .
msrs() for a list of Measure s from mlr_measures .
Helper function to configure the $validate field(s) of a Learner.
This is especially useful for learners such as AutoTuner of list("mlr3tuning") or GraphLearner of list("mlr3pipelines") which have multiple levels of $validate fields., where the $validate fields need to be configured on multiple levels.
Key passed to the respective dictionary to retrieve the object.
...: (any)
Additional arguments.
.keys: (character())
Keys passed to the respective dictionary to retrieve multiple objects.
learner: (any)
The learner.
validate: (numeric(1), "predefined", "test", or NULL)
Which validation set to use.
R6::R6Class object of the respective type, or a list of R6::R6Class objects for the plural versions.
Modified Learner
# penguins task with new idtsk("penguins", id ="penguins2")# classification tree with different hyperparameters# and predict type set to predict probabilitieslrn("classif.rpart", cp =0.1, predict_type ="prob")# multiple learners with predict type 'prob'lrns(c("classif.featureless","classif.rpart"), predict_type ="prob")learner = lrn("classif.debug")set_validate(learner,0.2)learner$validate