Classes for Relational Data
Network Operators
Classes for Relational Data
Return the Size of a Network
Add Edges to a Network Object
Add Vertices to an Existing Network
Transform vector of values into color specification
Coerce a Network Object to a data.frame
Convert a network object into a numeric edgelist matrix
Coerce a Network Object to Matrix or Table Form
Coercion from Matrices to Network Objects
Coerce One or More Networks to Sociomatrix Form
Attribute Interface Methods for the Network Class
Remove Elements from a Network Object
Edgeset Constructors for Network Objects
Retrieve Edges or Edge IDs Associated with a Given Vertex
Retrieve Induced Subgraphs and Cuts
Obtain the Neighborhood of a Given Vertex
Determine if specified vertices of a network have any edges (are not i...
Determine Whether Two Vertices Are Adjacent
Examples of how to load vertex and edge attributes into networks
Mixing matrix
Internal Network Package Functions
Add Arrows or Segments to a Plot
Compute the Density of a Network
Return the Number of (Possibly Directed) Dyads in a Network Object
Return the Number of Edges in a Network Object
Plots a label corresponding to an edge in a network plot.
Extraction and Replacement Operators for Network Objects
Indicator Functions for Network Properties
Initialize a Network Class Object
Vertex Layout Functions for
Add Loops to a Plot
Identifying and Counting Missing Edges in a Network Object
Network Objects
Add Vertices to a Plot
Permute (Relabel) the Vertices Within a Network
Two-Dimensional Visualization for Network Objects
Expand and transform attributes of networks to values appropriate for ...
Combine Networks by Edge Value Multiplication
Read a Pajek Project or Network File and Convert to an R 'Network' Obj...
Combine Networks by Edge Value Addition
Get the ids of all the edges that are valid in a network
Heuristic Determination of Matrix Types for Network Storage
Tools to create and modify network objects. The network class can represent a range of relational data types, and supports arbitrary vertex/edge/graph attributes.