A Metabolomics Analysis Tool for Intuitive Figures and Convenient Metadata Collection
Assign hierarchy metadata
Check data for zeros across samples within factor levels. Will determi...
Get counts for significant fold changes by metabolite class.
Get nucleotide and amino acid sequences for genes
Gather metadata from KEGG for metabolites
Get metadata from KEGG API
Perform anova
omu_summary Performs comparison of means between two independent varia...
Create a PCA plot
Create a pie chart
plate_omelette Internal method for KEGG_Gather which parses flat text ...
Clean up orthology metadata
Create a bar plot
Create a box plot
Create a heatmap
Create a volcano plot
Creates a ratio table from the count_fold_changes function output.
random_forest Perform a classification or regression random forest mod...
Import a metabolomics count data frame
Facilitates the creation of intuitive figures to describe metabolomics data by utilizing Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) hierarchy data, and gathers functional orthology and gene data from the KEGG-REST API.
Useful links