Forecast Modelling for Online Applications
Multiplication of list with y, elementwise
Getting subelement from list.
Simple wrapper for
Make an forecast matrix with a periodic time signal.
Make an hour-of-day forecast matrix
Return the column names
Create ones for model input intercept
Auto-Regressive (AR) input
Convert to data.frame
Convert to data.list class
Convertion to POSIXlt
Compute base splines of a variable using the R function splines::bs
Generation of a name for a cache file for the value of a function.
Save a cache file (name generated with code_name()
Find complete cases in forecast matrices
Convertion to POSIXct
Make a data.list
Depth of a list
Determine if two data.lists are identical
Flattens list
Class for forecastmodels
Generation of Fourrier series.
Selects a period
Class for forecastmodel inputs
Lagging which returns a data.frame
Lagging which returns a data.frame
Lagging which returns a data.frame
Lagging which returns a data.frame
Lagging which returns a data.frame
Lagging which returns a data.frame
Lagging which returns a data.list
Lag by shifting
Helper which does lapply and then cbind
Helper which does lapply, cbind and then
Helper which does lapply and then rbind
Helper which does lapply, rbind and then
Fit an onlineforecast model with lm
Optimize parameters for onlineforecast model fitted with LM
Prediction with an lm forecast model.
Long format of prediction data.frame
First-order low-pass filtering
First-order low-pass filtering
Low pass filtering of a vector.
Make a forecast matrix (as data.frame) from observations.
onlineforecast: Forecast Modelling for Online Applications
Generation of pairs plot for a data.list.
Set parameters for plot_ts()
Wrapper for bspline
with periodic=TRUE
Generate persistence forecasts
Time series plotting
Time series plotting
Time series plotting
Print forecast model
Simple function for capturing from the print function and send it in a...
Simple wrapper for paste0().
Resampling to equidistant time series
Resampling to equidistant time series
Calculate the residuals given a forecast matrix and the observations.
Fit an onlineforecast model with Recursive Least Squares (RLS).
Optimize parameters for onlineforecast model fitted with RLS
Prediction with an rls model.
Function for generating the parameters for RLS regression
Print summary of an onlineforecast model fitted with RLS
Updates the model fits
Calculating k-step recursive least squares estimates
Computes the RMSE score.
Calculate the score for each horizon.
Setting par()
plotting parameters
Plotting stairs with time point at end of interval.
Get the state value kept in last call.
Set a state value to be kept for next the transformation function is c...
Forward and backward model selection
Take a subset of a data.list.
Summary with checks of the data.list for appropriate form.
Print summary of an onlineforecast model fitted with RLS
A framework for fitting adaptive forecasting models. Provides a way to use forecasts as input to models, e.g. weather forecasts for energy related forecasting. The models can be fitted recursively and can easily be setup for updating parameters when new data arrives. See the included vignettes, the website <> and the paper "onlineforecast: An R package for adaptive and recursive forecasting" <>.
Useful links