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Measuring Stakeholder Influence
RethinkDB Client
Statistical Testing for AUC Data
Quantile-Based Boxplot
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'RStudio' Addin for Teaching and Learning 'ggplot2'
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solvers Written in R Using S4 Cla...
A Non-Parametric Statistical Test to Compare Clustering Structures
Pattern Discovery in PDB Structures of Metalloproteins
Text Generation from Data
Weighted Nearest Neighbor Imputation of Missing Values using Selected ...
Family Sequence Kernel Association Test for Rare and Common Variants
R Commander Plug-in for Fitting Generalized Waring Regression Models
Query-Driven Pipeline Execution and Query Templates
Latent Structure Learning
Unimodal and Isotonic L1, L2 and Linf Regression
Analysis of Unreplicated Orthogonal Experiments using All Possible Com...
Working with Google's 'Public Data Explorer' DSPL Metadata Files
Implementation of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Optimization
Artificial Counterfactual Package
Assessing Pst Statistics
Annuity Random Interest Rates
Personalized Disease Network
Software for Analyzing Limiting Dilution Assays
A Slow Version of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) Algori...
Data Assimilation
A Semi-Parametric Test for Specifying Functional Form
IO Help for infraFDTD Model
Weighted Effect Coding
A Microcontroller Interface
Interactive Phylogenetic Trees Using the 'Phylocanvas' JavaScript Libr...
Augmented Backward Elimination
Random Sampling Distribution C++ Routines for Armadillo
COPPE-Cosenza Fuzzy Hierarchy Model
Computation of v Values for U and Copula C(U, v)
Financial Analysis and Regression Diagnostic Analysis
Read in Activity Data and Plot Actograms
Lexicons for Portuguese Text Analysis
Modeling Language Evolution
Structured Interface to 'Python'
Run a Function Iteratively While Varying Parameters
Detecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in Trend
Efficient Initials for Computing the Maximal Eigenpair
Multivariate Analysis of Mixed Data
Crosstab and Statistical Tests for OII MSc Stats Course
Connect to 'DocuSign' API
Illustrate the Flow of Information or Material