Parametric Bootstrap, Kenward-Roger and Satterthwaite Based Methods for Test in Mixed Models
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Adjusted denominator degrees of freedom for linear estimate for linear...
Compute denominator degrees of freedom for F-test
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pbkrtest internal
Internal functions for the pbkrtest package
F-test and degrees of freedom based on Kenward-Roger approximation
Adjusted covariance matrix for linear mixed models according to Kenwar...
Conversion between a model object and a restriction matrix
Model comparison using parametric bootstrap methods.
Calculate reference distribution using parametric bootstrap
F-test and degrees of freedom based on Satterthwaite approximation
Computes p-values based on (a) Satterthwaite or Kenward-Rogers degree of freedom methods and (b) parametric bootstrap for mixed effects models as implemented in the 'lme4' package. Implements parametric bootstrap test for generalized linear mixed models as implemented in 'lme4' and generalized linear models. The package is documented in the paper by Halekoh and Højsgaard, (2012, <doi:10.18637/jss.v059.i09>). Please see 'citation("pbkrtest")' for citation details.